Christmas Giving

Every gift helps the Our Lady of Grace to continue to live our mission of making Jesus Christ known and loved. Thank you for supporting life and mission of Our Lady of Grace through your sharing of gifts, your financial generosity, and your prayer.

End of Year Planning

Please note that the end of taxable year giving deadline for cash gifts brought to our office is Tuesday, December 31, 2024, and checks must be dated and postmarked by the USPS no later than December 31, 2024.

Please also note that the OLG Parish Office is closed December 24, 25, 31, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Jon Cassady, Director of Advancement, 952-929-3317 (x9054).

Birthday Card Ministry for the Incarcerated

Friday, December 20
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM | Dining Room

To serve the poor, the imprisoned, the hungry, the forgotten is to serve Jesus – Father Kevin Finnegan

Birthday cards are an attainable way for parishioners interested in a meaningful way to minister to the imprisoned and forgotten. Training is provided and includes guidelines to ensure privacy for the writers and recipients. RSVPs appreciated but not required at 952-929-3317.

OLG's partnership with Twin Cities Prison Ministry, the coordinating body for prison ministry for the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, provides many opportunities to serve the incarcerated and returned citizens that include: prayer companions, pen pals, extraordinary minister/assist priest with Mass, OCIA, bible study, mentoring and much more.

Contact Jeff Skinner at tcpm.jeff@gmail for more information about the Prison Ministry at OLG.

Dates for 2025: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21 and December 19.

This card made my day, the words you sent to me mean more than you can imagine.
— Minnesota inmate expressing thanks for receiving a birthday card from OLG's Prison Ministry

Advent Holy Hour: Jesus’ Pilgrimage to Us

Thursday, December 19, 7:00 - 8:00 PM, Church

In this time of preparation for the coming of Jesus on Christmas, take some time to prepare your heart and meet Jesus as He pilgrimages to YOU in the Blessed Sacrament.

Join us for a beautiful Holy Hour with worship music, prayer, silence and meditation. Light hospitality to follow in the Commons.

Learn more here about the Advent Holy Hours happening around the Archdiocese.


Christmas Tree Lot

We look forward to another record-breaking year and could not do it with our outstanding volunteers. Please CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer!


The OLG Men’s Club Christmas Tree Lot opens on Friday, November 22 and ends December 14!

The Tree Lot features State Fair blue-ribbon winner trees from a local grower. Plus, we have wreaths, garland, and porch pots sold by the best salesmen around!

Tree Lot Hours
Mondays - Fridays, 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturdays 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sundays 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Winter Gear Drive

Once again, we will be collecting coats, hats, gloves, mittens, and boots. Drop off gently used and new items at the Tree Lot or in the bins outside Cassidy Hall.

Live at OLG: Boundaries and Self-Giving Love

Live at OLG: Third Thursday of Every Month

Cocktails. Mocktails. Conversations that Matter.

Upcoming Date: Thursday, December 12
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Our Lady of Grace, Edina

Live at OLG is free and open to all young professionals (ages 21 - 35)!

Join us for an insightful discussion on relationships with Kenna Millea, LMFT, and Father Nathan LaLiberte. Together, we will explore the importance of setting healthy boundaries while also giving of ourselves in love. Some of the questions we will explore include:

  • What do we mean when we say boundaries?
    How do boundaries evolve as relationships progress through different stages, such as from friendship to dating to engagement to marriage?

  • The Church teaches that married couples become one flesh; does this mean that there should be no boundaries between spouses?

  • How should one respond when faced with a boundary set by another person that seems unreasonable?
    Are there situations where it might be necessary to establish a boundary by ending a friendship or keeping a distance from someone, and if so, how can this be done in a compassionate manner?

  • What does setting boundaries look like for a priest?

  • Can you provide examples of Jesus demonstrating healthy boundaries in the Gospel?

  • Can you share some practical examples of boundaries in your life and relationships that have been helpful?

  • How does all of this relate to holiness?

Prayer Encounter with OLG’s Sister Parish in Honduras

Sunday, December 8, 10:30 - 11:20 AM, Dining Room

Start the Advent season by meeting and praying (in Spanish and English) with our brothers and sisters from San Max Kolbe's sister parish in Honduras.

Parishioners at our sister parish in Honduras and OLG will gather in the OLG Dining room for a Zoom call to learn more about each other’s parishes. The relationship between the two parishes spans over 20 years, and we welcome new volunteers—for one day or a lifetime. The occasion will also mark the beginning of the preparations for the January 2025 mission trip.

Please join us to learn more!


Christmas Eve Nativity Play

Wednesdays in December
4:45 - 6:00 PM

Calling All Kids K-2nd grade!  Prepare your hearts for Christmas on Wednesdays from 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM at OLG. Learn all about the Birth of our Lord through crafts, stories, activities, and play. Our Advent celebration culminates in a Nativity Play in the Church before the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass. Make this Christmas season extra special for your child by registering today! Once registered further details will be emailed to registrants.  

Email questions to Kelly Moeller at
