Widows of Grace

Over a decade ago, Our Lady of Grace and the Archdiocese embarked on a journey to support widows in their grief journey. Women have gathered from over five states and two continents to join Our Lady of Grace’s Annual Widows Day of Reflection. From this annual retreat, many Widows Fellowship groups have formed.

Annual Widows’ Day of Reflection 2025

Saturday, June 21, 2025, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Our Lady of Grace is excited to hold our 14th Annual Widows’ Day of Reflection! The day will begin with 8:30 AM Mass, followed by inspirational talks by our guest speaker. This Day of Reflection is for all widows; both recent and longtime widows will experience the Church’s concern for them as they navigate a status in life they did not choose. The cost for this retreat is $30 and includes breakfast and lunch.

Widows of Grace Monthly Support Groups

2nd Fridays, Monthly, 9:30 - 11:00 AM
Our Widows of Grace monthly coffee gathering meets in the Dining Room or on the Marian Patio. Join us for 9:00 AM Mass before our meeting! Call Jen Beutz in the Parish Office (x9030) for more details.


For more information about widows fellowship opportunities at Our Lady of Grace or how to start your own group click here.