Safe Environments at Our Lady of Grace

Our Lady of Grace is committed to creating safe environments for all children, youth, and vulnerable adults. All of our volunteers who have regular or unsupervised contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete a volunteer background check, attend VIRTUS training, and sign a code of conduct. You can access the volunteer forms by going to If you have questions or would like more information, contact Jamie in the Parish Office at

For more information about volunteer requirements or creating safe environments, visit the Archdiocesan safe environments website here:

Remember, if you suspect abuse, your first call should always be to law enforcement.

Does it include me?

This includes, but is not limited to all Employees of the Parish & School, School Volunteers/Parents, Coaches, Faith Formation, Sunday School & Confirmation Teachers, Homebound volunteers & Stephen Ministers, just to name a few.

2020-21 Archdiocesan Changes

In fall 2020, the Archdiocese required all parishes to update their VIRTUS users or volunteers. What this means is that if you had not updated your VIRTUS account within the last 3 years, your account was inactivated. If you are currently not volunteering with youth or vulnerable adults and are not an employee or member of a parish/school council your account was also inactivated.

How do I know when I need to update?

Email to ask when your next update is due.

What if I had an account and now it has been inactivated?

No problem. Contact to let her know you’ll be returning as an active volunteer and your account will be re-activated.

What if I’m new and I want to volunteer?

First, thank you for taking that first step in sharing your gifts and talents with our community. Contact and she can send you instructions on setting up your new VIRTUS account.