What is OCIA?

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, abbreviated OCIA, is simply the process by which someone becomes Catholic or completes their Catholic initiation. OCIA has 4 periods and 3 steps, so those who are in the process have time to grow in their relationship with Jesus, learn about Church, grow in their prayer life, build community with others, and discern if God is calling them to become Catholic.

If you, or someone you know, might be interested in becoming Catholic, please reach out to Sean Lavell at 952-929-3317 or seanlavell@olgparish.org to start the conversation. Reaching out entails no obligation to start the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, it’s just a conversation to talk about what that might look like. OCIA is for anyone from ages 8 (3rd grade) to 108.