Volunteer at Our Lady of Grace Parish

Volunteering at Our Lady of Grace is a wonderful experience, and volunteer opportunities are available to all who are interested. If you’re not sure how God is asking you to volunteer, perhaps take some time in prayer to understand what your charism may be. “Whether extraordinary or simple and humble, charisms are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of men, and to the needs of the world.” (CCC 799) Our hope is that here you will find a community where you are able to use your gifts and talents for the glory of God.

All Volunteer Areas (Click to learn more)

Adoration—spend time in prayer, reading, reflecting, and giving God thanks while in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

The Altar Linen Guild—help wash and iron purificators and corporals used during Holy Mass. The commitment is about once a month. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Trudy Landgren at 952-929-6141.

Building Amazing Marriages—help plan, decorate, bartend and/or serve at the BAM events.

Church Environment Ministry— Help the liturgy team beautify the Church, particularly during key Liturgical times such as Christmas and Easter. There are weekly needs such as watering plants and changing basic decor, and seasonal tasks such as decorating for Christmas. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please email the parishsecretary@olgparish.org.

Donut Sundays—set up beverages and serving space, assist with serving and hospitality, and light clean up following the 9:30 AM Mass on Sundays.

Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound*—bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to attend Sunday Mass.

Gabriel Ministry—a group of volunteers who assist in areas of marketing and communications.

Gardening Club—periodically plant, weed, and landscape a garden plot on our beautiful campus.

Hospitality Ministry—assists with preparing, serving, and/or cleaning up for funeral luncheons, or you can provide desserts as called for funerals.

Knitters Prayer Shawl Circle—knit or crochet simple prayer shawls at your home while praying for the health of the homebound and/or ill person who will receive it. Drop them off in the Parish Office once they’re finished so that they can be blessed. Knitting instructions are available in the Parish Office if needed.

Living Rosary Prayer Network—pray one decade of the Rosary each day for prayer intentions.

Livestream Techs—volunteer to help run the video graphics of Sunday Mass. Livestream experience is helpful, but not required, training is provided. If you are interested in volunteering, email to David Kolar, OLG Livestream Coordinator.

Liturgical Ministry—serve our Lord at Mass by being a greeter, usher, lector, altar server, or Sacristan, or be a coordinator for our monthly baptism liturgies.

Meals on Wheels—to volunteer as a driver on the first Monday and/or fourth Friday of each month.

Men’s Club—uniting the men of Our Lady of Grace to promote spiritual and social interest, and to aid in the charitable work of the parish.

Moms of Grace—connect with one another, further build our parish and school communities and do some good.

Music Ministry—share your musical gifts at Mass and other services.

Prison Ministry—monthly we gather to send birthday cards to the incarcerated and more.

Pro-Life Ministry—assists those who are facing unexpected pregnancies in an effort to protect all life.

Sharing & Caring Hands—Help other OLG volunteers make real a commitment to the poor by serving a meal at Sharing & Caring Hands every third Tuesday of the month at 9:00 AM. Click here to volunteer. Click here to donate premade sandwiches.

Stephen Ministry*—equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care and support to individuals who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.

VEAP—is regularly in need of volunteers in the following areas: food delivery (for homebound recipients), lobby greeters, intake assistance for new clients, pantry stocking and prepping. VEAP is also in need of Spanish speaking volunteers.

Wedding Coordinators—play an essential role in leading couples through the rehearsal and are present the day of the wedding to prepare the church, welcome guests and coordinate the wedding party along with photographers, florists and musicians. Training is provided. Consider shadowing a rehearsal and/or wedding to gain more insight into this holy and grace-filled ministry. To learn more, please contact Mary Carlson.

Youth Ministry*—volunteer for Faith Formation, Middle and High School Ministry, Confirmation D-groups, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and more by contacting Mackenzie Garcia.

*Virtus Training Required