Our Mission

The OLG Men’s Club unites the men of Our Lady of Grace to promote spiritual and social interest, and to aid in the charitable work of the parish, school and community. All men of the parish are welcome to become active members.

Check out our calendar for upcoming events like our Summer Social and Faith Fun Fest!


The Men’s Club sponsors events throughout the year that provide opportunities for us all to deepen our relationship with God.



Time, talent and resources help the Men’s Club raise funds to support parish, school, and associated benefactors (i.e. OLG Parish/School, PES Sisters, JPII, Cristo Rey, and Ghana Parish/School).



The Men’s Club is driven by the mission of spirituality of service and fueled by the mission of fun! Most of our events have a big social component. The Men’s Club puts significant value in bringing the community of OLG together.

The Leadership Team

The success of the Men’s Club is achieved through the active participation and leadership of parish members. We would not be able to accomplish all we do for the parish, school and local community without your talents, time, and resources. The leaders of the Men’s Club typically serve a two-year term. Don’t hesitate to contact them directly with questions, comments, or to get more information,

Teddy Hobbins (Co-President)
Andrew Knopick (Co-President)
Peter Raih (Vice President)
Eric Kirchner (Treasurer)
David Otto (Secretary & Communications)
Josh O’Neill (Marketing & New Membership)
Mitch Walter (Ops Liason/Treasurer)
Thomas Hodgdon (Catholic Schools Liaison)
David Ilk Events (Social, Spiritual, Service)
Will Moeller Events (Social, Spiritual, Service)
Nick Oprish (Gala Sponsorships)
Eric Bruggemann (Gala Auctions)
Matt Whitesel (PES Sister Liaison)