What is Building Amazing Marriages (BAM)?

Navigating life with your best friend is fantastic and challenging. Building Amazing Marriages (BAM) supports marriages by hosting events that enrich our marriages and our family lives. Past events have included date nights like Oktoberfest, Casino Night, Tacos and Trivia, and Celebrate Marriage Dinner. We have also hosted evening book review workshops, full day marriage enrichment seminars, and marriage and parenting series. If you are married or engaged, you are part of Building Amazing Marriages at Our Lady of Grace! See you at our next event. If you are interested in being more intentional about your marriage, look into the marriage enrichment opportunities we have coming up!

BAM Upcoming Events:

OLG is excited to offer an outstanding range of marriage-boosting events this year! We have some returning favorite date night events, accompanied by some new marriage enrichment-focused opportunities. Mark your calendars now!

Lenten Marriage Workshop:
Saturday, March 15, 6:15-9:15 PM

Spend some time this lent season focusing on your marriage. This interactive workshop hosted by Lori Brumbaugh will facilitate deeper connection with your spouse and you will leave with some practical tips to continue strengthening your marriage. Childcare included.

Tacos and Trivia Night:
Saturday, April 26, 6:15-9:15 PM

Trivia Mafia is returning to host a private bar trivia-style event at OLG, complete with a taco dinner and homemade margaritas. Childcare included.

Cornhole Tournament:
Saturday, May 17, 6:15-8:15 PM

Partner with your spouse for some friendly competition against other BAM couples! The winning team will take home a prize! Childcare included.

To volunteer to help at BAM events, ask questions about upcoming events, or get added to our mailing list, please contact Amanda Pilon.


Upcoming Event Registration