Stewardship As A Way of Life

As disciples of Christ, we believe stewardship is not just a financial appeal, but rather a call to a way of life. We want to dialogue with God in prayer in order to identify the unique ways in which He has gifted each one of us and discern how He is inviting us to share these gifts. We can then act, making an intentional, planned, and proportionate gift to God and His Church through prayer, service, and tithe—each concrete ways of prioritizing God and His people.

Prayer: We cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we must first properly order our own spiritual lives. Our time spent in prayer with our Creator is one of the most critical investments we can make.

Tithe & Generosity: What does it mean that as disciples of Christ, everything we own is merely being held in trust from God? Everything is a gift from Him, and recognizing the call to be a good steward of these gifts is all part of our spiritual growth and transformation.

Service: Sharing our gifts, charisms and talents is not about productivity, but rather giving something of ourselves—sharing “who we are” as God created us for the good of others. We become the hands, feet, and face of Christ, reflecting His own humble example of service in the world.