Live at OLG: Boundaries and Self-Giving Love

Live at OLG: Third Thursday of Every Month

Cocktails. Mocktails. Conversations that Matter.

Upcoming Date: Thursday, December 12
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Our Lady of Grace, Edina

Live at OLG is free and open to all young professionals (ages 21 - 35)!

Join us for an insightful discussion on relationships with Kenna Millea, LMFT, and Father Nathan LaLiberte. Together, we will explore the importance of setting healthy boundaries while also giving of ourselves in love. Some of the questions we will explore include:

  • What do we mean when we say boundaries?
    How do boundaries evolve as relationships progress through different stages, such as from friendship to dating to engagement to marriage?

  • The Church teaches that married couples become one flesh; does this mean that there should be no boundaries between spouses?

  • How should one respond when faced with a boundary set by another person that seems unreasonable?
    Are there situations where it might be necessary to establish a boundary by ending a friendship or keeping a distance from someone, and if so, how can this be done in a compassionate manner?

  • What does setting boundaries look like for a priest?

  • Can you provide examples of Jesus demonstrating healthy boundaries in the Gospel?

  • Can you share some practical examples of boundaries in your life and relationships that have been helpful?

  • How does all of this relate to holiness?