Adoration in the Most Holy Trinity Chapel

As Catholics, we believe Jesus’ own words that He is truly present in the Bread of Life. Adoration is simply spending time in prayer, reading, reflecting, and giving thanks to God… in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Our beautiful and peaceful Adoration Chapel is open Monday through Friday, 5:00 AM - 11:00 PM. All are welcome! Sign up here for a regular weekly Adoration Hour.

Anointing Mass

Anointing Masses are offered each fall and spring at Our Lady of Grace. We understand that circumstances may necessitate you receive this Sacrament at a different time than our Fall and Spring Anointing Mass. Know that the Anointing of the Sick is a repeatable Sacrament, and we welcome you to join us for this Mass if you desire the special prayers of Anointing. No reservation is needed to attend these Masses. To schedule an Anointing outside of this special Mass, call the Parish Office at 952-929-3317.

Book of the Sick

Our Book of the Sick, outside the Adoration Chapel, lists the names of those who request prayer. Our Adorers, who pray in the Most Holy Trinity Chapel each day, appreciate knowing of your prayer intention as they enter into the Chapel for prayer and offer their prayers for you. If you are unable to come to church to enter your name, we will gladly write your name in the Book of the Sick.

First Saturday Devotions

Join us on the first Saturdays (October through May) as we pray the Rosary, go to Mass and Confession, and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary.

8:00 AM: Rosary (Church)
8:30 AM: Mass (Church)
9:00 AM: Confessions and 2nd Rosary (Church)
There will be refreshments and fellowship afterwards in the Dining Room.

Background on this event: Our Lady promised to Sr. Lucia, one of the visionaries, that she would assist, at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation if we do the following with the intention of making reparation to Mary for the offenses committed against her. For five consecutive months on the first Saturday: Attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, recite a five decade Rosary, go to Confession seven days before or after, and meditate on one of the 15 mysteries of the Rosary while keeping Our Lady company for 15 minutes.

Mark your calendar for our 2023-2024 schedule: October 7, November 4, December 2, January 6, February 3, March 2, April 6, and May 4. For more information, please contact Maureen at 952-927-0089.

Homebound Communion

Homebound Communion is available for those unable to join us for Mass at church. A Communion Minister will visit you each week to pray with you and offer Communion. To request Homebound visits, call the Parish Office at 952-929-3317.

Honoring Our Military

Our Lady of Grace honors those who selflessly serve in the military by including them in our Military Tribute Book (located in the Commons), as well as by hosting our annual Veterans Day program. If you would like to add yourself or an immediate family member to the Military Tribute Book, please contact Sue Anderson at or 952-925-9290.

Jesus Heals Ministry

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has an Unbound Prayer team located at OLG called Jesus Heals Ministry. The Jesus Heals Ministry team prays for women one on one for healing and freedom on Wednesday from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM. To make an appointment to meet with a Jesus Heals minister, call 651-695-9202.

Living Rosary Prayer Network

Are you or someone you know in need of prayer? The Living Rosary Prayer Network provides confidential prayer support for those who request our prayers. Dozens of volunteers pray a decade of the Rosary each day for your intentions. Individuals may make an anonymous request for prayer or offer their first name only. We know that early in a diagnosis, some are not ready to share their need for prayer publicly in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass and yet are still in need of prayer. Your prayer intention will stay with the confidential Rosary Prayer chain as long as you choose, in partnership with the OLG Rosary Prayer Group. If you would like us to pray for you or a loved one, contact Sue Anderson at or 952-925-9290.  

Mass Intentions

OLG offers many of our daily and weekend Masses for special intentions, such as remembering a deceased loved one or praying for someone who is ill. If you would like to have a Mass offered for or in memory of someone, please call the Parish Office at 952-929-3317 to inquire about available Masses. We ask a donation to the parish of seven dollars per Mass.

Prayers of the Faithful for our sick and beloved dead are read each Sunday at Mass. To protect patient privacy, names of the sick can only be added to this list by someone requesting prayers for themselves or an immediate family member/next-of-kin. Prayer requests for our sick are read for the next three weeks. We know some individuals have long-term illnesses that extend beyond this window of prayer support. If this is your situation, we will read your names and the names of those who have long-term needs and are requesting additional prayers once a month at Mass. Please let us know if you would also like to be added to the monthly prayers at Mass for those with long term prayer needs.

Our Lady of Grace Prayer Group

Meets for one hour in the Church most Thursday nights at 6:00 PM. They pray one full Rosary (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, or Luminous Mysteries) in addition to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and other prayers. For questions, call Maureen Wong at 952-927-0089.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Knit or crochet simple prayer shawls in the comfort of your own home. While knitting, pray for the health and healing of the person who will receive the prayer shawl and pray for God's love for oneself, the receiver's family, friends, and care team. Knitting instructions are provided here or are available at the front desk of the Parish Office. After you finish a prayer shawl, drop it by the Parish Office to be blessed before it is delivered to a parishioner. If you know someone who is homebound or ill and would like a prayer shawl, you may pick one up in the Parish Office. You or a loved one is welcome to pick up the shawl of your choice at our Parish Office during regular office hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.