Pastoral Care

Blood Drive

Wednesday, June 26
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Cassidy Hall

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Patients of all ages who suffer from accidents, heart surgery, organ transplant, or those fighting cancer all benefit from blood donations. You can help! Please sign up to be a blood donor at the upcoming OLG Blood Drive.  

For proper staffing, donations are by appointment only. Thank you for giving the gift of life! To schedule, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), click here to schedule an appointment, or you can go to, click on "Find a Drive", and enter OURLADYOFGRACE, all one word. Walk-ins are not available.

We need volunteers too!  Volunteers will simply check-in donors when they arrive and monitor the hospitality table. Each shift is only two hours, and a brief training will be provided at the start of the shift.

First Saturday Devotions

Saturday, May 4, 8:00 AM
OLG Church and Dining Room

Join us on the first Saturdays (October through May) as we pray the rosary, go to Mass and confession, and meditate on the mysteries of the rosary.

8:00 AM: Rosary (Church)
8:30 AM: Mass (Church)
9:00 AM: Confessions and 2nd Rosary (Church)
Refreshments and fellowship afterwards in the dining room.

Background on this event: Our Lady promised to Sr. Lucia, one of the visionaries, that she would assist, at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation if we do the following with the intention of making reparation to Mary for the offenses committed against her. For five consecutive months on the first Saturday: attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, recite a five decade Rosary, go to Confession seven days before or after, and meditate on one of the 15 mysteries of the rosary while keeping Our Lady company for 15 minutes.

For more information, please contact Maureen at 952-927-0089.

Saints' Relics Permanent Installation

Sunday, January 14 | Masses

Join us for this very special dedication Mass for the permanent installation of the relics in OLG's care.

We are building permanent displays for the relics (remains) of Saints in our possession. These will be placed in the main body of the Church and dedicated on January 14, 2024, so that we all may venerate and model the witnesses of Christ that came before us. All you holy men and women, pray for us!

As we prepare for the permanent installation in the Church space of the more than 25 relics in OLG's care, it is important to understand the why of it all. Relics are a part of our Catholic inheritance. Veneration of them has existed from the start of the Church community (and has a basis in the Old Testament). We honor the relics of Saints because we honor their fidelity to Christ. And by reflecting on the lives of these holy men and women, we indelibly draw closer to Him.

To learn more about relics, click here.

Month of Remembrance

Mass of Remembrance

Sunday, November 5, 2023 | 11:30 AM

Each year, we remember our beloved dead with a Mass of Remembrance. We read the names of all who have been buried from OLG this past year and invite you to join us to pray with and for those who have gone before us.

Month of Remembrance

November is traditionally the month when we honor our beloved dead. Throughout November, in our Commons you will see a screen with memorials for those who are represented on our Remembrance Scrolls in the Church. If your loved one had their funeral through Our Lady of Grace or Most Holy Trinity in any year from 1943 through 2023, we invite you to submit their information to be included in this ongoing memorial. 

Please use this link to make a submission or email for more information.  

Become an Our Lady of Grace Stephen Minister

Stephen Minister Training starts soon!

Training takes place every other Monday from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Mary Mother of the Church in Burnsville from Monday, November 27, 2023 through Monday, April 8, 2024.

Click here to learn more about the training.

Applications for Stephen Ministers are due by November 15th. Please submit the completed application to Beryl Schewe at The training costs $50 for materials.

Contact Beryl at 952-999-9035 for more information or to set up an interview.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Our Lady of Grace is partnering with St. Louis Park Emergency Program (STEP) to provide Thanksgiving food items to local community members in need.

Please pick up a paper grocery bag from the Commons or Cassidy hall. The list of needed items is attached to the bag or click here to make a monetary contribution to STEP. Please return filled grocery bags near the donation bins outside Cassidy Hall.

Deadline for food collection is November 15th.
May God bless you for your continued generosity!

Day Trip to St. John’s Bible in Collegeville, MN with Father John Utecht

Tuesday, November 14
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Join Father John Utecht for a tour of the St. John's Bible in Collegeville, Minnesota.

We will leave OLG campus at 10:15 AM, pray with the Benedictine Monks at 12:00 PM, eat lunch in the St. John's refectory, and return to OLG by 4:00 PM.
Please note that lunch is on your own in the refectory.

Questions? Contact Beryl at 952-999-9035.

Food, Fellowship and Adoration with PES Sisters

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
5:30 - 8:30 PM, PES Convent

8650 Russell Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55431

Please join others from the OLG community at the Pro Ecclesia Sancta Convent for food, fellowship and a spirited Adoration. Come and see the changes that have been happening over the past few years at the convent and spend time with each other, the lovely sisters, and the blessed Eucharist.

Come for as much as you can, bring your children, parents, and besties. Music is being coordinated. The event is free and hosted by the Men’s Club!

Dinner: 5:30 - 6:30 PM

Adoration: 6:30 - 7:30 PM

For food planning, click here to RSVP or by emailing Peter Raih.

Lunch and Learn: Pro-Life at the End of Life

Thursday, October 19, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Dining Room

As we consider the end of life, how can we be sure to harmonize the medical care we receive with the Church's beautiful vision of the dignity of the human person?

Deacon Dan Gannon, J.D. M.A. will present:

- essentials of Church teaching on end of life;

- the meaning of human suffering with insights from St. John Paul II's teaching and life;

-practical guidance on completing a "Catholic Health Care Directive".

Deacon Dan currently leads the St. Paul Seminary Institute for Ongoing Clergy formation. In addition to serving as a Deacon, he is a professor, ethicist, and attorney. Please join us in affirming human life at all stages! RSVP appreciated but not required to or call the Parish Office at 952-929-3317.