Loaves and Fishes

When: Wednesday, April 13 3:45-6:30pm

OLG cooks, transports, and serves meals at Loaves and Fishes once a month, and we need YPs to help serve at Peace House, a drop-in center for the homeless in Minneapolis.

2 drivers + servers

  • Meet at the front door of the main church at Our Lady of Grace at 3:45pm.

  • Pick up meals from Nancy Piazza, the OLG cook, and load them into your car(s)

  • Deliver meals at Peace House:1816 Portland Avenue South in Minneapolis's Phillips Neighborhood (There is on-street parking or a parking lot.) Peace House staff will help unload the car(s).

  • Organize and hand out the boxed meals and supplemental food items until about 7pm

  • 2 servers

    • Meet at Peace House:1816 Portland Avenue South in Minneapolis's Phillips Neighborhood at 4:45pm (There is on-street parking or a parking lot.)

    • Organize and hand out the boxed meals and supplemental food items until about 7pm

Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d48a9ab2caaf9c25-volunteer