Lunch and Learn: Catholic Cemeteries Green Burial

Thursday, February 6, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Dining Room

Are you curious about the option of a Catholic ‘Green Burial’, an organic return to the earth at the end of life?  When the body of Jesus was removed from the cross, it was washed, wrapped in a cloth shroud, and placed in a tomb.  When a loved one dies, we commit the body to the earth, “For we are dust and to dust we shall return.”  People are taking this belief to heart with a desire to return to a more natural, less industrial approach to death and burial, while maintaining reverence for the deceased.  Come hear from the Executive Director of The Catholic Cemeteries discuss Catholic ‘Green Burial’; ask questions, and take away information for others in your family who want to learn more about this environmentally friendly option.

Registration is not required, but highly admired. Simply contact the Parish Secretary at or 952-929-3317.