See 10000vocations.org for more information and to register for upcoming events!
Discernment Opportunity for Young Women
September 20 – 22, 2019
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo
Single women age 18-28 who are seeking to do God's will are invited to attend the Fiat Ministries Discernment Retreat. Religious sisters from various religious orders assist at the retreat by giving talks, leading small groups, giving their testimonies, and providing a joyful witness of what it means to be a consecrated Religious Sister. The Fiat Discernment Retreat seeks to foster prayer, self-knowledge, and authentic discernment in young women to re-center their focus back on God and the universal call to holiness. The cost of the retreat is $25 which includes meals, lodging and materials. Registration and more information can be found at fiatministries.org. Please share the flyer and brochure.
Save the Dates: Archbishop’s Men’s Discernment Retreat
Saturday, December 28 – Monday, December 30, 2019
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo
Registration Fee: $75 to offset the cost of room and board. No one will be turned away because of financial reasons.
For Seniors in High School up to age 50
Men interested in priesthood are invited to this retreat, which takes place from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon at the beautiful Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo. Communal and private prayer, Adoration, Mass and presentations by Archbishop Hebda are designed to help participants discern their future vocation. See 10000vocations.org for more information and to register!
Miriam Dinner
Monday, October 1
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Holy Cross Catholic Church, NE Minneapolis
The Miriam Dinner, hosted by Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Father David Blume, Director of Vocations, is an event for women, ages 16 – 35, who are discerning consecrated life. It is typical for women discerners to be accompanied by their pastor, consecrated religious, or youth minister. The evening begins with prayer, followed by dinner with consecrated women sharing their vocations testimonies. Priests, deacons and consecrated women in the Archdiocese are encouraged to invite women, ages 16 – 35, who present a sincere interest in consecrated life. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with Evening Prayer at Holy Cross Catholic Church, followed by dinner in Kolbe Hall, and conclude with a tour of Bethany House (Women’s Discernment House) with dessert and coffee.
Register online before September 26. Email stpaulvocations@10000vocations.org or call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890. Please share the flyer. For discerners under age 18, please provide the parental consent and indemnity form.
Operation Andrew Dinner
Monday, October 21
6 – 8 p.m.
Archdiocesan Catholic Center, St. Paul
Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Father David Blume, Director of Vocations, invite men discerning the priesthood, ages 16 – 50, to dinner and conversation with vocations testimonials on priesthood and religious life. It is typical for a pastor, religious or youth minister to accompany each discerning guest.
Register online before October 17. Email stpaulvocations@10000vocations.org or call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890. Please share the flyer. For discerners under age 18, please provide the parental consent and indemnity form.