LifeNight Wrap up! January 26th

March 2019
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Hey all! It was great getting to see you all yesterday! After all of the snow, spring breaks, and just life- it felt like it had been forever! 

Afterwards we watched a video on the importance of our Church building. How it is meant to be MORE than just a building. That led to some AMAZING conversation about what a church is, marriage, vocation, and a bunch of other stuff. It was awesome!

Don't forget that next week we DON'T have a LifeNight! It is the Day of Mercy! Make sure that you celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation! 

God bless and see you all soon! Veronica 

The Catholic Church is a sacramental Church which means deeper realities are expressed in perceptible signs. The church building is not a neutral place; it is not simply a skin for liturgical action. It is a place where prayer happens; it is a temple where sacrifice is offered.

The building is a sacramental sign: there is found the Body of Christ. The door signifies the crossing of the threshold and entry into the Garden of Eden. It is return to Paradise. 

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