OLG Peer Ministry: November 2018 News And Information

November 2018
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Hey all! 
 It was great to get to see you all last night and for those who missed- we missed you! Below is our meeting minutes AND most importantly your "challenges" for you each to work on until we meet on our next Peer Ministry Meeting on November 18th. We are going to be talking about the ways we succeed in your 8 challenges below, and we will do it eating PIE! 

1. Frequent the Sacrament of Thanksgiving.

The Greek word Eucharistia means thanksgiving. We call it “Eucharist, because it is an action of thanksgiving to God…[it] recalls the Jewish blessings that proclaim (especially during a meal) God’s works” (CCC 1328). When we participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, in the Divine Liturgy of the Mass, we attend the most profound Thanksgiving meal, the heavenly banquet. So look at that! You can have the best Thanksgiving dinner every day at mass!

2. Share a meal.

All of our Lord’s greatest teachings were done over a meal or right after a meal. Food is such an important part of our Catholic theology. Jesus’ first miracle was the wedding at Cana, then there was the feeding of the 5,000, dining at Martha and Mary’s house, instructing Jarius’ daughter to be fed after she was healed, etc… all culminating in the Last Supper, the first Eucharistic meal and pointing through Jesus’ sacrifice of His body on the cross, to the heavenly banquet we all look forward to. So sit down with loved ones and just eat together. Laugh, enjoy company, have no agenda, just be – oh and eat!

3. A raisin in your stuffin’ praisin’.

Did you know there are 9 different words in Sacred Scripture for “thanks”? There are 4 Hebrew words in the Old Testament and 5 Greek words in the New. Two of these, yadah and towdah, also mean “to give praise.” Psalm 100:4 says, “enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name!” To Praise the Lord, is to pray recognizing the Lord as God, simply because He is God. It means to extol Him for His own sake and to give Him what is due to Him. Thanks and praise go hand in hand like turkey and gravy.

4. Have a Job Thanksgiving.

Have you ever read the book of Job? Job was the most righteous man of his day, and blessed by the Lord. Satan was not happy about this, and bet that Job would curse God if the Lord allowed Job to be afflicted. So he did. In one day almost all of Job’s livestock and livelihood was killed and all of Job’s sons and daughters were killed. But Job did not curse the Lord. So Satan afflicted Job’s health, but Job was faithful. Instead of saying, “WHY SWEET LORD ARE YOU ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME!?” which, lets be honest, that is probably what I would do, Job thanked the Lord. He praised the Lord. He blessed the Lord. One of my favorite verses in scripture is, “the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). When the Lord gives do you praise and thank Him? When He takes away do you do the same? Give thanks for afflictions, hardships and difficult things in your life. You can do it!! I know from personal experience that, even in the worst situations, giving thanks and praise softens our hearts to get through it.

5. Give until it hurts.

Mother Teresa once said, “I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts.” This woman knew the true meaning of giving. We must make a sacrifice of ourselves for the good of another. It is not until our gift really costs us, (not limited to money) a part of us – our comfort, security, etc…, that we have given fully. I challenge you to give until it hurts this Thanksgiving. In giving that gift, you will find the greatest joy and fulfillment. Even more filling than cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and stuffing.

6. Drop some names.

Actually, only drop one name. Jesus Christ! Psalm 105:1 says, “O give thanks to the LORD, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples!” One of the greatest ways to give thanks to the Lord is by letting others know about the “wondrous things” (Psalm 98:1) He has done in your life. Think about it. When you get the greatest gift ever, after thanking the giver, what do you do? You run and tell someone! God proclaim Jesus’ name!

7. Get out. (and serve that is).

Especially when we are in a spiritual rut, the quickest way to recognize the Lord is active and at work in our lives is to make a gift of ourselves, to go outside of ourselves. When we serve others, when we make a gift of our time and talents, when we recognize the need in our brothers and sisters around us, we often recall all the blessings in our lives. When we are reminded of these blessings, we are presented with an opportunity to give thanks. So, rake that elderly neighbor’s yard! Volunteer the heck out of that soup kitchen! Go party with the elderly in a nursing home! Or just sit and play with your sibling – and make sure to tickle them.

8. Pull a 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Giving thanks is so necessary, because it gives meaning to ALL things in our life. It places ALL things in context, in the context of a person – Jesus Christ.

Here is my challenge to you – give thanks, some kind of thanks – every. single. day. Your life will be transformed!

(The original article written by Maddy Bernero can be found HERE

Check out this video on Gratitude! 
LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer. Join us on October 24th from 7:30- 9:00PM! You won't want to miss out! See more...
Check out our LifeNight Wrap-up Blog below,
annnnnd some of the photos from our last LifeNight! 

Extravaganzas are HUGE game nights that all are invited to! From shooting zombies, solving an escape room, and joining in REAL LIFE CLUE- there is something for everyone! So grab some friends and come on down!  See more...

Check out what we are doing on the 28th after the Sunday the 6PM Mass! 

All Saints day: Thursday, November 1, Mass times

  • 6:15 AM

  • 9:00 AM

  • 6:00 PM

Holy Day of Obligation

Monday, November 5, 7:00 PM
Candlelight Mass of Remembrance
Our Lady of Grace will remember those who have gone before us. The names of those who have passed this year will be read as part of our prayer. Light reception to follow in the Commons.

UNLEASHED is a small group for all high school youth that is designed to help us all GROW as disciples and missionaries for Christ.

Each series lasts a few weeks and will focus on a different topic in a unique way. UNLEASHED is a great opportunity to grow in your faith, meet new friends, and learn how to share your faith with others! See more...

Every month, our Youth Ministry offers to our parish’s teens many Christian Service opportunities. We are called to help make a difference in our parish, community and world. Jesus Himself was our model of how we should serve! See more...
Register for our upcoming Mission Home event below! 
Mission Home:  Second Harvest Heartland  
11/3/2018 from 9-11:30AM here!


Vianney Visit 

Begins with Registration Thursday, November 15, 4 – 6 p.m.
Concludes Saturday, November 17, 11 a.m. 
Saint John Vianney College Seminary, St. Paul
Vianney Visit provides high school sophomores through college age men (ages 16-24) the opportunity to take a closer look and experience college seminary. Attend Mass, prayer, and spiritual conferences with SJV priests and hear testimonies from SJV seminarians. There is no charge for the event. All meals are provided.  

Register online or call 651-962-6825. Please contact Director of Vocations Father David Blume to let him know of your interest in the Vianney Visit. Father Blume can be reached at 651-962-6890 or by emailing stpaulpriest@10000vocations.org

Operation Andrew Dinner

Tuesday, November 20
6 – 8 p.m. 
Archdiocesan Catholic Center, St. Paul

Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Father David Blume, Director of Vocations, invite men discerning the priesthood, ages 16 – 50, to dinner and conversation with vocations testimonials on priesthood and religious life. It is typical for a pastor, religious or youth minister to accompany each discerning guest. 

Register online before November 16. Email stpaulvocations@10000vocations.org or call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890. Please print and post the flyer. For discerners under age 18, please provide the Consent and Indemnity Form.

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