Small Group Leader Training

September 2024: Mondays (9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th), 6:30 - 8:30 PM
January/February 2025: Wednesdays (22nd, 29th, 5th, 12th), 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Middle School Lower Commons

Are you called to start a small group? Maybe there's not a small group happening when it's convenient for you, or perhaps you feel called to help others (yourself included) get to know and love Jesus better in a small group setting. If so, New Leaders Training will be available starting September, as well as in January/February. Contact Jessica (x9308) or Tyler (x9300) in the Parish Office for more information or to register for training

OLG Small Groups draw adults into transformative friendships with Jesus and one another. They gather in groups of 6-12 people, for 90 minutes, with the ongoing pace set by the group. We gather each session for relational connection, to grow in our faith together, and learn to pray with and for one another.

If you’re interested in joining a group instead of leading, take a look at our Small Group Finder to find an OLG Small Group with open spots. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, new groups will be launching in October after Group Leaders Training.