We need YOU for our Highschool Core Team!

Greetings all!

This is Veronica Whelan, I am the High School Youth Minister here at OLG. It’s that time of year that we are looking for people who are looking to make a difference, and we would love for you to join us. We need you to help us to make a difference in our community, in high schoolers lives, and their families.

We aren’t looking for volunteers. We are looking for people who want to help us make Jesus Christ known and loved. 

Our youth would love for you to share your gifts with this ministry the next year or several years. One of this biggest things that I can ask of you is to pray about this invitation.          

On September 2nd from 6:30 - 8PM you are invited to spend an evening discerning with us where God might be calling you! This is an informational meeting and dinner will also be served. This upcoming year we have both in person and online ministry opportunities that we will be going over as well.

If you would like more information or to RSVP for our Informational night just fill out the form below.

Adult Core Team with the Our Lady of Grace Adult Core Team is a community of adults who commit each year to serve as youth ministry leaders here at OLG.

Together they:

  • Serve in OLG small group ministry (either monthly or weekly) 

  • Assist in the planning and leading of high school and middle school retreats

  • Discern and Implement the vision for youth ministry at OLG

  • Call and Invite young people to the love of Christ with the Catholic Church

  • Welcome, mentor, and inspire the teens of this community

  • Grow in knowledge and love of the Catholic Church 

Adult Core Team Requirements:

  • Have a deep love for Jesus Christ and His Church

  • Be 21 years of age

  • Have a current background check on file 

  • Attend and be up to date on their Virtus training 

  • Sign the volunteer code of conduct 


Lectio: Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber

So join us on Thursday from 7:00- 8:30PM in the Frassati Room!

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation." But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video series, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer.

Using the Lectio Divina approach of reading, reflecting, responding, and contemplating, the accompanying workbook presents classic artistry, penetrating questions, and personal reflection to take the teachings to a deeper level.

Lectio_ Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber (1).jpg

Not Self Help

July 9th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not just fire insurance

July 16th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not without cost

July 23rd from 7- 8:30PM

Not just personal

July 30th 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just a legal transaction

August 6th from 7- 8:30PM

Not a spectator sport

August 13th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not simply a movement

August 20th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not inevitable

September 10th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just for other people

September 24th from 7- 8:30PM

Not only about the future

October 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Lectio: Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber

So join us on Thursday from 7:00- 8:30PM in the Frassati Room!

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation." But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video series, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer.

Using the Lectio Divina approach of reading, reflecting, responding, and contemplating, the accompanying workbook presents classic artistry, penetrating questions, and personal reflection to take the teachings to a deeper level.

Lectio_ Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber (1).jpg

Not Self Help

July 9th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not just fire insurance

July 16th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not without cost

July 23rd from 7- 8:30PM

Not just personal

July 30th 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just a legal transaction

August 6th from 7- 8:30PM

Not a spectator sport

August 13th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not simply a movement

August 20th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not inevitable

September 10th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just for other people

September 24th from 7- 8:30PM

Not only about the future

October 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Lectio: Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber

So join us on Thursday from 7:00- 8:30PM in the Frassati Room!

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation." But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video series, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer.

Using the Lectio Divina approach of reading, reflecting, responding, and contemplating, the accompanying workbook presents classic artistry, penetrating questions, and personal reflection to take the teachings to a deeper level.

Lectio_ Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber (1).jpg

Not Self Help

July 9th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not just fire insurance

July 16th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not without cost

July 23rd from 7- 8:30PM

Not just personal

July 30th 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just a legal transaction

August 6th from 7- 8:30PM

Not a spectator sport

August 13th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not simply a movement

August 20th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not inevitable

September 10th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just for other people

September 24th from 7- 8:30PM

Not only about the future

October 8th from 7- 8:30PM

YP Retreat Planning survey for the 2020/2021 year.

As we plan our Young Professional retreat for the 2020/2021 year we need your help! Please fill out the following questions to help us plan the best retreat. 

Important note - any and all events that we create or host at OLG are subject to CDC and Archdiocesan guidelines on health and safety. Right now we believe a retreat would be possible under our current guidelines. If this changes our plans will as well.

Please take our survey HERE. YP Retreat Planning survey for the 2020/2021 year.

YP Retreat .jpg

Lectio: Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber

So join us on Thursday from 7:00- 8:30PM in the Frassati Room!

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation." But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video series, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer.

Using the Lectio Divina approach of reading, reflecting, responding, and contemplating, the accompanying workbook presents classic artistry, penetrating questions, and personal reflection to take the teachings to a deeper level.

Lectio_ Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber (1).jpg

Not Self Help

July 9th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not just fire insurance

July 16th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not without cost

July 23rd from 7- 8:30PM

Not just personal

July 30th 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just a legal transaction

August 6th from 7- 8:30PM

Not a spectator sport

August 13th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not simply a movement

August 20th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not inevitable

September 10th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just for other people

September 24th from 7- 8:30PM

Not only about the future

October 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Lectio: Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber

So join us on Thursday from 7:00- 8:30PM in the Frassati Room!

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation." But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video series, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer.

Using the Lectio Divina approach of reading, reflecting, responding, and contemplating, the accompanying workbook presents classic artistry, penetrating questions, and personal reflection to take the teachings to a deeper level.

Lectio_ Salvation with Dr. Michael Barber (1).jpg

Not Self Help

July 9th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not just fire insurance

July 16th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not without cost

July 23rd from 7- 8:30PM

Not just personal

July 30th 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just a legal transaction

August 6th from 7- 8:30PM

Not a spectator sport

August 13th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not simply a movement

August 20th from 7- 8:30PM  

Not inevitable

September 10th from 7- 8:30PM

Not just for other people

September 24th from 7- 8:30PM

Not only about the future

October 8th from 7- 8:30PM

Virtual Papal Audiences

Join Pope Francis for his Papal audiences and liturgies through April and May 2020 on the official Vatican News website!

At the conclusion of the Papal audiences, the Holy Father will lead the faithful in the prayer of the Our Father and then impart his Apostolic Blessing, which extends to all persons watching through means of the media as well as to the religious objects they desire to have blessed.
