In light of all the changes going on we are going to do something a LITTLE different for Unleashed! For the next FOUR Mondays YOU are gonna log into FORMED and create an account from there YOU will watch a video on your own AND then at 2:30PM we will meet up on ZOOM to discuss it! This is new so get ready to be part of the change!

How to create a FORMED Account

  1. Visit the FORMED website and click Sign Up

  2. Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”

  3. Search “Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Edina”

  4. Choose the option with the address reading 5071 Eden Ave, Edina MN and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.

The mere mention of the word “Father” can stir a wide range of emotions: from security and joy to pain and resentment. Many teens today have fathers who are absent—either physically or emotionally. Some have never even met their biological fathers, and others may wish they hadn’t— because of the physical or emotional pain inflicted on them. How can these we trust or believe in a Heavenly Father when maybe our experience of our earthly fathers has been so negative? In this study we’ll begin to unwrap the mystery surrounding God the Father by taking a look at our deeply imbedded image of what a “good” father is—and then we’ll learn how deeply God longs for us and waits for us to surrender our hearts to Him.

On 3/23/2020 watch our first video HERE and make sure to email ME, so I can send you our Zoom code for our meetings at 3:30PM.

High School Teens Grace Link - 03-22-20

Grace Link_HS Teens_03-22-20-01.png

Weekly LifeNight Video!

Since we can’t meet each Wednesday for LifeNights, check out our teaching for the week! Make sure to email Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org for the Zoom Code for our meetings at 3:30 PM.

Summary and Discussion Questions


In light of all the changes going on we are going to do something a little different for Unleashed! For the next four Mondays your are invited to log into FORMED (to create an account see instructions below) from there you will watch a video on your own and then at 2:30 PM we will meet up on Zoom to discuss it! This is new so get ready to be part of the change! On Monday, March 23 watch our first video in the Who is God? Series and make sure to email Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org for the Zoom Code for our meetings at 3:30 PM.

Unleashed  (1).jpg

Who is God? Series

The mere mention of the word “Father” can stir a wide range of emotions: from security and joy to pain and resentment. Many teens today have fathers who are absent—either physically or emotionally. Some have never even met their biological fathers, and others may wish they hadn’t— because of the physical or emotional pain inflicted on them. How can these we trust or believe in a Heavenly Father when maybe our experience of our earthly fathers has been so negative? In this study we’ll begin to unwrap the mystery surrounding God the Father by taking a look at our deeply embedded image of what a “good” father is—and then we’ll learn how deeply God longs for us and waits for us to surrender our hearts to Him.

Create a FORMED Account

  1. Visit the FORMED website and click Sign Up

  2. Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”

  3. Search “Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Edina”

  4. Choose the option with the address reading 5071 Eden Ave, Edina MN and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.

Stay Connected

Don’t forget to follow us for updates, scripture, inspiring quotes, fun videos and more….


March 2020
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you! 

Prayer of Pope Francis asking Mary to protect Italy and the world during of the coronavirus pandemic, March 11, 2020

Let us work together, stay calm and support each other during this time. Please pray for those who have been impacted by this virus. Our Lady of Grace Sunday Masses, will continue to be celebrated as regularly scheduled. Please check for updates on events at OLG HERE

Canceled events 
Unleashed 3/16/2020 7-8:30PM
Lenten Day of Mercy 3/18/2020
Open Youth Room 3/30/2020 5-7:00PM
Unleashed 3/30/2020 7-8:30PM
Join us for Mass Live Streamed
Sunday, March 22nd at 9:30 AM and 6:00 PM

Our Lady of Grace invites the faithful who are unable to participate in person for the celebration of Holy Mass to join with us in spiritual communion.

Monday, July 27 - Friday, July 31, 2020
Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway! On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs. Registration opening soon!

Inspirational Resources for Faith Formation in December

Discover all the best Catholic content in one place. Entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring. A Whole Month of Liturgical Content on formed.org! See more... 

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UNLEASHED is a small group for all high school youth that is designed to help us all grow as disciples and missionaries for Christ.

Each series lasts a few weeks and will focus on a different topic in a unique way. UNLEASHED is a great opportunity to grow in your faith, meet new friends, and learn how to share your faith with others! 

Below is our upcoming Unleashed Series! Contact Veronica for more information. 

Unleashed .jpg


LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.

At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives.

Check out our calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year! 


TBD for the time and exact date

Chanhassen, MN 18732 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen, MN 55317

Register HERE for FMSC

Service with Youth Ministry

Every month, our Youth Ministry offers to our parish’s teens many Christian Service opportunities. We are called to help make a difference in our parish, community and world. Jesus Himself was our model of how we should serve!



LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.

At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives.

Check out our calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year! 
