Here at OLG our High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God.
In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts. Contact us today to see where God is calling you!
Join the OLG HS Youth Group for a weekend of fun and faith with a High school Retreat! We are going to play games, eat good food, Mass, Adoration, and basically have a great weekend! More importantly it's going to be a great chance to get together with other HighSchoolers to pray, have fun, and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Registration Forms HERE - just turn into the Parish Office!
Weather permitting we are going to be doing a low ropes course, zip line, ANNNNND THE BLACK HOLE! In the black hole participants are strapped to a wheeled board and ride down the inside of a heavy duty plastic tube partially buried in the ground. TRUST US- its way fun
What age do you have to be to participate?
9th-12 Grade
What are the dates for the retreat?
November 22-24th, 2019
How do we get there?
A bus will leave OLG on November 22nd at 6PM. We will return to OLG on November 24th at 4PM
More questions?
Contact Veronica at 952-929-3317 or veronicawhelan@olgparish.org
Advent Day of Mercy 2019
Wednesday, December 4, 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Join us for a day of reconciliation. A light soup supper will be provided in the Commons.
Nursery care provided on a space available basis:
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Inspirational Resources for Faith Formation in Novmeber
Discover all the best Catholic content in one place. Entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring. A Whole Month of Liturgical Content on formed.org!
Priest Residence Construction Parking/Traffic Impacts
Monday, November 25, 2019 - Early-July 2020
The Priest Residence construction will be occurring near the western side of the Southwest Parking Lot. During this time traffic flow will need to be redirected, limiting the number of parking spaces available. Please review the diagram below and online for further information and plan accordingly.
Upcoming LifeNight November 20th!
LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.
At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives.
Escape Room in a Box!
When: December 15, 7:30 - 9:00 PM
You and a group of friends are attending the reading of the last will and testament of your uncle Lester Milton, legendary game inventor and eccentric millionaire. As you walk into the room, a lawyer informs you that the reading of will begins in one hour, any addendums to the will must be submitted before then. She then hands you a letter and a locked case. Can you make sure that you are your friends are going to get a share of Uncle Milton’s fortune?
Beginning with the End in Mind
The month of November begins with the Solemnity of All Saints, where we remember all God’s holy ones who were victors in the great contest of life and loved God with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength. These heroes, our brothers and sisters, are now experiencing in heaven the perfect joy for which our hearts long.
The second day of November is the Feast of All Souls, inviting us to pray for all of our deceased relatives and friends, asking the Lord in his mercy to cleanse them of the defects of their sins in purgatory so they may be admitted into the eternal heavenly banquet.
Read the full column in English and Spanish in The Catholic Spirit.
Archdiocesan Synod – Upcoming Prayer and Listening Events
What’s working and what’s not in the Archdiocese? Archbishop Bernard Hebda wants to hear from you! Please prayerfully consider attending an upcoming Prayer and Listening Event, as part of the Pre-Synod Process and make your voice heard. Your input will help guide the Archdiocese over the next 5 – 10 years.
Next three events:
- Thursday, November 7, 6 – 9 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus, New Prague
- Friday, November 15, 6 – 9 p.m. at All Saints, Lakeville
- Sunday, November 17, 1 – 4 p.m. at St Anne – St Joseph Hien, Minneapolis (Bilingual, English and Vietnamese)
Learn more about the Synod and see a full listing of Prayer and Listening Events at archspm.org/synod.
Restorative Justice Groups
Support Group for Family Members of Victims/Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Family members are often at a loss when it comes to supporting victims and survivors of clergy sexual abuse. Many do not know how to deal with the betrayal and devastation that they feel in regards to what happened to their loved one. Where was God in all of this? How could this have happened? How do I offer encouragement and hope to my family member who has experienced this tragedy in their lives. Join others who are relatives of these victim/survivors as they try to grasp and understand the trauma their loved one has suffered. This group meets on the second Tuesday of the month beginning November 12, 6:30 – 8 p.m. at 357 Stonebridge Blvd., St. Paul.
Healing Circle
Saturday, November 16
Saint Odilia, 3495 N. Victoria, Shoreview
This healing circle for individuals impacted in some way by clergy sexual abuse. This includes those affected directly (survivors) and indirectly (e.g. family members of survivors, parishioners disillusioned or angry with church leaders, those whose faith has been challenged by the scandal, etc.). Questions about this Healing Circle? Contact Larry Voeller, Healing Circle facilitator, at 651-484-0399.
Victim/Survivor Support Group
Join with other victims/survivors of sexual abuse who share a similar experience and who want to provide each other with support, affirmation, hope, and empowerment. This group is about providing a safe, confidential environment for those who want to heal from the trauma of sexual abuse. We never heal in isolation from one another. We can help in our own healing and benefit from the experience of others in accomplishing this. The group meets on the third Monday of the month beginning November 18, 6:30 – 8 p.m. at Maple Grove Public Library, Room 105, 8001 Main Street, Maple Grove.
How Do I Tell My Family?
Very often victim/survivors go through the suffering alone without the support of their families or friends. We will talk about how to tell our families about our abuse or discuss whether or not to tell them at all. If so, whom do I tell, when, and how? If not, do you have strong support systems in place when needed? Join us Wednesday, November 20, 6:30 – 8 p.m. at 357 Stonebridge Blvd., St. Paul.
If you have questions about Restorative Justice Groups, please contact Paula Kaempffer, Outreach Coordinator for Restorative Justice and Abuse Prevention for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, at 651-291-4429.
See 10000vocations.org for more information and to register for upcoming events!
Holy Hour for Vocations
Tuesday, November 12
7 – 8 p.m.
Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul
All people of the Archdiocese are invited to participate in the Holy Hours for Vocations, a program sponsored by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. This year’s seminarian posters show the calendar of the Holy Hours for Vocations that will be taking place at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Each month, the Holy Hour for Vocations will take place at another parish in the Archdiocese. Come spend an hour with Jesus each month to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and diaconate. For more information, please contact the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit 10000vocations.org. Parishes, please share the postcard.
Vianney Visit
Begins with Registration 4 – 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 14
Concludes Saturday, November 16 at 11 a.m.
Saint John Vianney College Seminary, St. Paul
Vianney Visit provides high school sophomores through college age men (ages 16 – 24) the opportunity to take a closer look and experience college seminary. Attend Mass, prayer and spiritual conferences with SJV priests and hear testimonies from SJV seminarians. There is no charge for the event. All meals are provided. Please contact Father David Blume, Director of Vocations, at 651-962-6890 or stpaulvocations@10000vocations.org to let him know of your interest in the Vianney Visit. To register, please call 651-962-6825 or online. Please share the flyer.
Cor Jesu
Friday, December 6
8 p.m.
The Saint Paul Seminary (St. Mary’s Chapel), St. Paul
Eucharistic adoration, confession, praise and worship music and fellowship with young adults, college-age and older. Father David Blume, Archdiocese Office of Vocations Director, will preside. Parking is waived on South Campus surface lots at the University of St. Thomas. For more information, call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit the Cor Jesu Facebook page. Please share the flyer.
Archbishop’s Discernment Retreat
Begins Saturday, December 28 at 6 p.m.
Concludes Monday, December 30 at 1 p.m.
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo MN
The Director of Vocations offers this annual retreat with talks by Archbishop Bernard Hebda. In addition to the talks given by the Archbishop, there will be times of prayer, an opportunity for the Rite of Reconciliation, times of recreation, and plenty of great food. The Archbishop’s Discernment Retreat is for men who are seniors in high school to age 50 and are discerning priesthood. This retreat is a wonderful opportunity to gain clarity in your discernment process and to meet other men who desire to follow Christ and to know his will for their lives. Register online at 10000vocations.org. Parishes, please share the flyer.