PACER Center’s Simon Technology Center is seeking volunteers to assist with the exciting Family Fun Day & Tech Expo event. This event will take place on Saturday, September 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and brings together families, professionals, and consumers to learn about assistive technology. The Family Fun Day & Tech Expo features fun family activities such as adapted art activities, a photo booth, do-it-yourself activities, technology demonstrations and light refreshments!

Volunteers are needed from 9:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to support expo activities and logistics at this event that celebrates all that is possible with assistive technology! Lunch will be provided.

Click this link to sign-up to volunteer

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September 2019
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you! 

Greetings everyone!

Our LifeNight kick- off was amazing! It was so much fun getting to hang out with all of you, play Wubble Volleyball, and especially get to pray with you. 

Kory gave a GREAT opening talk for the year year and here are TWO things we want you to remember from it.

  1. Remember  Ted Leonosis?  He was the executive that got in a plane crash and lived. He said, “I don’t want to be a passive observer of my own life.”We all want this. We don’t want to waste our lives, and if we want this – more importantly – if we believe this – it means that our decisions and our actions matter.
  2. The "American dream" tells us that if we do what we want, if we become who we want to be, then we will be happy Jesus says something different.
    1. Matthew 10:39 - Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."
    2. Matthew 26:24 - “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and and follow me."
                 But follow him where? To the Father. This was Jesus’ whole mission – to bring people back to the heart of God, to the heart of the Father

Thanks so much for coming and we can't WAIT to see you next week! We are going to start with a fun game and some great snacks! Thennn we are going to explore the question Jesus asks his disciples: Who do you say that I am? annnnd are going to do a close reading of St. Peter’s confession of faith that Jesus is the “Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Mt 16:16).  annnnnd don't forget that we have open Frassati Room starting at 4:30PM
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LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.

At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives. Check out our calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year! 

Here are registration forms for the 2019/2020 year

Check out our LifeNight Wrap-up Blog and upcoming LifeNights! 

September 2019
View this email in your browser
Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you! 

Child and Youth Faith Formation

Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:15 PM*
Children and youth are invited to participate in:

Nursery Care

Sundays, during 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses
Free childcare is available for 1 and 2 year-old children in the Nursery.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Sundays, during 9:30 AM Mass
All Kindergarten and 1st grade students welcome. No advance registration required.

Hey High Schoolers!

  • Do you love little kids?
  • Would you like to give teaching a try?

We’re seeking youth who have already been confirmed to teach in Sunday School (kids age 3-5, during 9:30 Mass), and/or faith formation (kids in grades 1-5 from 5:45-7:15 on Wednesday evenings). If you’re interested, please email and we’ll work together to find the best fit for you! This is a great ministry opportunity where you can even teach with your friends, so bring them along too!

Come this Wednesday from 7:30- 9PM to the Frassati Room! 

LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.

At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives. Check out our calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year! 

Who: Anyone in 9th- 12th Grade 
Where: Cassidy Hall
When: September 28, 7:30 - 9:00 PM

The Quest Game Show is a unique BUNCH of games! Everyone is split into smaller teams and each team is competing to score the most points through three different rounds of play. One round is the “Bring Me” round. The second round is a video round. The third round consists of several unique games that get everyone on their feet and involved for a chance to win bonus points. Great for a new twist on a classic gameshow night! No registration required! Just show up! 

Click here to download! 
November 22-24th, 2019
Join the OLG HS Youth Group for a weekend of fun and faith with a High school Retreat! We are going to play games, eat good food, Mass, Adoration, and basically have a great weekend! More importantly it's going to be a great chance to get together with other HighSchoolers to pray, have fun, and grow in your relationship with Jesus. See more...


Archdiocesan Synod – Upcoming Prayer and Listening Events

What’s working and what’s not in the Archdiocese? Archbishop Bernard Hebda wants to hear from you! Please prayerfully consider attending an upcoming Prayer and Listening Event, as part of the Pre-Synod Process and make your voice heard. Your input will help guide the Archdiocese over the next 5-10 years.

First three events:
  • Tuesday, September 24, 6 – 9 p.m. at St. Victoria (St. Victoria)
  • Saturday, September 28, 9 a.m. – noon at St. Michael (St. Michael)
  • Friday, October 11, 6 – 9 p.m. at Guardian Angels (Oakdale)

Learn more about the Synod and see a full listing of Prayer and Listening Events at


2020 Liturgical Calendar

The 2020 Liturgical Calendar has been posted on the archdiocesan website, under Sacraments & Worship. You can view the calendar here.


See for more information and to register for upcoming events!

Discernment Opportunity for Young Women

September 20 – 22, 2019
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo

Single women age 18-28 who are seeking to do God's will are invited to attend the Fiat Ministries Discernment Retreat. Religious sisters from various religious orders assist at the retreat by giving talks, leading small groups, giving their testimonies, and providing a joyful witness of what it means to be a consecrated Religious Sister. The Fiat Discernment Retreat seeks to foster prayer, self-knowledge, and authentic discernment in young women to re-center their focus back on God and the universal call to holiness. The cost of the retreat is $25 which includes meals, lodging and materials. Registration and more information can be found at Please share the flyer and brochure.

Save the Dates: Archbishop’s Men’s Discernment Retreat

Saturday, December 28 – Monday, December 30, 2019
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo
Registration Fee: $75 to offset the cost of room and board. No one will be turned away because of financial reasons.
For Seniors in High School up to age 50

Men interested in priesthood are invited to this retreat, which takes place from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon at the beautiful Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo. Communal and private prayer, Adoration, Mass and presentations by Archbishop Hebda are designed to help participants discern their future vocation. See for more information and to register!

Miriam Dinner

Monday, October 1
6 – 8:30 p.m. 
Holy Cross Catholic Church, NE Minneapolis
The Miriam Dinner, hosted by Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Father David Blume, Director of Vocations, is an event for women, ages 16 – 35, who are discerning consecrated life. It is typical for women discerners to be accompanied by their pastor, consecrated religious, or youth minister. The evening begins with prayer, followed by dinner with consecrated women sharing their vocations testimonies. Priests, deacons and consecrated women in the Archdiocese are encouraged to invite women, ages 16 – 35, who present a sincere interest in consecrated life. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with Evening Prayer at Holy Cross Catholic Church, followed by dinner in Kolbe Hall, and conclude with a tour of Bethany House (Women’s Discernment House) with dessert and coffee.

Register online before September 26. Email or call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890. Please share the flyer. For discerners under age 18, please provide the parental consent and indemnity form.

Operation Andrew Dinner

Monday, October 21
6 – 8 p.m.
Archdiocesan Catholic Center, St. Paul
Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Father David Blume, Director of Vocations, invite men discerning the priesthood, ages 16 – 50, to dinner and conversation with vocations testimonials on priesthood and religious life. It is typical for a pastor, religious or youth minister to accompany each discerning guest. 

Register online before October 17. Email or call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890. Please share the flyer. For discerners under age 18, please provide the parental consent and indemnity form.


Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

January 7-16, 2020
Join the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Office of Evangelization on a Grandparents' Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Grandparents Ministry Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Bambenek. Pilgrimage sites include the Sea of Galilee, Mount Tabor, the Garden of Gethsemane and so much more! Registration deadline is August 10. For more information, visit the event page
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Join us in the Frassati Room from 7- 8:30PM for our Peer Ministry Meeting

Who Can be a Peer Minister?

Any fully initiated Catholic high school students who wants to deepen his or her faith in the fellowship of other Catholic Teens

What does it take to be a Peer Minister?

A willingness and desire to share their faith and serve in their community.

What does Peer Ministry Do?

  • Service events

  • Retreats

  • Participate in Youth Ministry events

  • Assist with younger youth in their faith journey

  • Share in the faith lives of other Catholic teens

  • Worship God together

  • Eat free food

What will I get out of Peer Ministry?

  • An experience to deepen one's faith

  • Fellowship of devout Catholic Teens

  • Life-changing service opportunities

  • A one-of-a-kind experience to become closer to God in community of amazing Catholics.

August 2019
View this email in your browser
Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you! 
All recent 8th grade graduates (from any school) and their parents are invited to join us for an evening presentation and fellowship, where they will learn the spiritual, academic and social tools they will need to help them or their child succeed in their freshman year of high school. See more! 

Equip Yourself for High School - Student Session

5:00 - 8:00 PM
The speakers will provide practical tools to keep up your faith, to seek excellence in academics and build strong friendships in High School. There will be a great Q & A panel. The student session will include talks from: John Delozier, theology teacher at BSM; Claire Mealey, Religion Teacher at OLG; and Kory La Croix, Catholic Speaker in the Archdiocese and Associate for Mission at OLG, as well as opportunities for dynamic hands-on activities and a pizza party!

Challenges in High School - Parent Session

6:30 - 8:00 PM, Dining Room
Dr Flanders will provide input regarding the common challenges of today’s high school students such as living their faith, social media and academics. Fr Kevin and Mrs. Heidi Foley will join us for the Q&A panel.

Questions? Please contact the Sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta at for more information and to register. Event is free of charge.

Mass Schedule - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday, August 15
6:15 AM, 9:00 AM, 6:00 PM

Holy Day of Obligation

Click here to download! 


My name is Jack Sexton. Over the past year, with the help of Shelly Aebi and Fr. Kevin, we have redesigned the Altar Server program. Hopefully these changes will encourage our older Servers to continue to serve as they journey into High School and college, and will set new goals for our younger servers. If you are in 6th grade or older, we invite you to join the altar serving team! We will be hosting two dates for Altar Server Training for New Servers:

Tuesday, August 13, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pizza lunch after training.

Tuesday, August 20, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pizza lunch after training.

Please contact Shelly Aebi at if you will be attending one of these trainings. We need you!

Thank you and God Bless,
Jack Sexton, Altar Server Assistant
Shelly Aebi, Director of Liturgy

Join us at Unleashed on Wednesday nights at 7:30PM!
Views about the Church can be as varied as its members or critics. What exactly is the Church? How can it be a trustworthy representation of Christ while filled with flawed human beings? How is it both ancient and timeless, seemingly outdated yet more necessary and relevant than ever? Why should the voice of the Church be heard above all the other voices claiming to speak the truth?  See more here
Breakfast Club 
Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins or Jerry’s after Mass. See more...
November 22-24th, 2019
Join the OLG HS Youth Group for a weekend of fun and faith with a High school Retreat! We are going to play games, eat good food, Mass, Adoration, and basically have a great weekend! More importantly it's going to be a great chance to get together with other HighSchoolers to pray, have fun, and grow in your relationship with Jesus. See more...

Have you heard about Ruth? Check out her story below! 

"Hello friends! 

As many of you may already know, I am moving to Uganda for 8 months starting in early September before starting my college career in the fall of 2020.  I will be volunteering with an organization called Watoto, working primarily at their Babies home with children ages 0-3.  To find out more about the efforts of Watoto you can visit their website:  

I created this site as a request for financial support.  Because I am a volunteer, I am responsible for all of my own travel and living expenses during my months in Uganda.  By supporting me, you will be supporting the children that the Lord has called me to serve in the coming months.  

More than money, I will need your prayers, as I am sure that life in Uganda will bring much trial (and of course much joy) that I cannot prepare for.  

I will be sending my love and prayers across the Atlantic Ocean while I am gone.  

Thank you in advance for your generosity and your prayers,  much love always, Ruth Maines"

Saturday, September 21
The entire parish community is invited to join us as we celebrate the 70th Anniversary of OLG School! All are welcome. Celebrations will include: 5K Family Fun Run and OLG School Marathon Celebration; Carnival and Midway Activities; 5:00 PM Mass; Reunion Gatherings by Decade; School tours; Evening Festivities; Rock The Fields.

Visit the 70th Anniversary page on the School website for more information and to register.

Donations for Honduras
We are very excited that a group of parishioners led by Fr. Kevin will head to Honduras to visit our sister parish, San Maximiliano Kolbe, in less than a month! We hope that you join in the excitement by donating a ball pump, soccer balls, volleyballs, frisbees, rosaries (for adults and children) or craft supplies that we can bring with us. See more...

Inspirational Resources for Faith Formation in May

Discover all the best Catholic content in one place. Entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring. See more....


Teams of Prayer, Service

The two-year preparation for an archdiocesan synod is going to be a large effort, and it is already a team effort. In fact, it is a team of teams. Let me give you a picture of how many people are already involved.

The first group to be involved in the synod is a group of dedicated prayers. The 25-member prayer team began meeting in the fall of 2018 and will continue meeting monthly throughout the process until spring 2021.

Read the full column in English and Spanish in The Catholic Spirit.



Settlement Agreement Update

On Tuesday, August 6, the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office appeared at its scheduled, periodic hearing in Ramsey County Court before Judge Teresa R. Warner. At that time, the Archdiocese filed its seventh semi-annual Report with the Court setting forth its substantial compliance with the Settlement Agreement. That Report is available here. As with the six prior Reports, the seventh Report describes the progress that has been made in the preceding six months. The Catholic Spirit article regarding the hearing is available here.


See for more information and to register for upcoming events!

Cor Jesu

Friday, September 6
8 p.m.
The Saint Paul Seminary (St. Mary’s Chapel), St. Paul
Eucharistic adoration, confession, praise and worship music and fellowship with young adults, college-age and older. Archbishop Bernard Hebda will preside. Parking is waived on South Campus surface lots at the University of St. Thomas. For more information, call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit the Cor Jesu Facebook page.

Holy Hour for Vocations

Tuesday, September 10
7 – 8 p.m.
Good Shepherd, Golden Valley

All people of the Archdiocese are invited to participate in the Holy Hours for Vocations, a program sponsored by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. This year’s seminarian posters show the calendar of the Holy Hours for Vocations that will be taking place at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Each month, the Holy Hour for Vocations will take place at another parish in the Archdiocese. Come spend an hour with Jesus each month to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and diaconate. For more information, please contact the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit Parishes, please share the postcard.

Discernment Opportunity for Young Women

September 20 – 22, 2019
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo

Single women age 18-28 who are seeking to do God's will are invited to attend the Fiat Ministries Discernment Retreat. Religious sisters from various religious orders assist at the retreat by giving talks, leading small groups, giving their testimonies, and providing a joyful witness of what it means to be a consecrated Religious Sister. The Fiat Discernment Retreat seeks to foster prayer, self-knowledge, and authentic discernment in young women to re-center their focus back on God and the universal call to holiness. The cost of the retreat is $25 which includes meals, lodging and materials. Registration and more information can be found at Please share the flyer and brochure.

Bethany House Opening for September 2019 – May 2020 Season of Discernment! 

Applications are currently being accepted for women interested in Bethany House. Bethany House is a home for women who live in community, pray together, take meals together and discern whether they are called to consecrated life. It is sponsored by the Office of Vocations and is located in Northeast Minneapolis. Qualities of a good candidate for Bethany House include single women, ages 20 – 27, who are interested in dedicating a year to intentionally discerning a vocation to religious life. For those interested, please complete the interest form at Please share the flyerand brochure.

Save the Dates: Archbishop’s Men’s Discernment Retreat

Saturday, December 28 – Monday, December 30, 2019
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo
Registration Fee: $75 to offset the cost of room and board. No one will be turned away because of financial reasons.
For Seniors in High School up to age 50

Men interested in priesthood are invited to this retreat, which takes place from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon at the beautiful Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo. Communal and private prayer, Adoration, Mass and presentations by Archbishop Hebda are designed to help participants discern their future vocation. See for more information and to register!


Catholic Grandparent Conference 

Saturday, August 24
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Epiphany, Coon RapidsLearn about God’s plan for Grandparents and be equipped to pass on a Heritage of Faith. The conference will include keynote speaker, Mary Ann Kuharski, founding member and Director of PROLIFE Across America as well as Father Joseph Bambenek who will be speaking on the topic of bringing healing to your family. We will also have an hour of Adoration led by Archbishop Bernard Hebda and more. Find details, including a flyer, and register on the event page. Questions? Contact Susanna Parent at or 651-291-4411.

Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

January 7-16, 2020
Join the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Office of Evangelization on a Grandparents' Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Grandparents Ministry Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Bambenek. Pilgrimage sites include the Sea of Galilee, Mount Tabor, the Garden of Gethsemane and so much more! Registration deadline is August 10. For more information, visit the event page
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Hello, World!