LifeNight - Why so fast?

Each of the four sessions of Into the Deep will cover a specific topic found within the United States Bishops’ framework with a greater depth. This will allow us to take time to really break open topics such as discipleship, Mary, the season of Lent, and pro-life issues. This Into the Deep explores the season of Lent.

As Catholics, we are familiar with ashes, giving something up, and meatless Fridays, but do we know the “why” behind these things? This series on Lent will help us all understand the history, beauty, and opportunity of this season. Each session looks at a different aspect of how we are called to prepare for Easter: fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

The goal of this session is to help us all to understand the purpose of fasting. In particular, this night will help us move beyond just giving something up during Lent into truly detaching from the things that are keeping them from God. Finally, this session will serve as a preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:

  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

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LifeNight - Dirt-head!

Each of the four sessions of Into the Deep will cover a specific topic found within the United States Bishops’ framework with a greater depth. This will allow us to take time to really break open topics such as discipleship, Mary, the season of Lent, and pro-life issues. This Into the Deep explores the season of Lent.

As Catholics, we are familiar with ashes, giving something up, and meatless Fridays, but do we know the “why” behind these things? This series on Lent will help us all understand the history, beauty, and opportunity of this season. Each session looks at a different aspect of how we are called to prepare for Easter: fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

The goal of this LifeNight “Dirt-head” is to bring us all to a deeper understanding of Lent and how this season can strengthen and deepen their faith. In particular, this session will look at Ash Wednesday and how we are called to remember our mortality and cling to God’s grace and mercy.

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:

  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

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2021 Archdiocesan World Day of the Sick Mass

Saturday, Feb. 13, 10 - 11 a.m., Virtual Event, Livestreamed by St. Agnes, St. Paul

Please join virtually in the Archdiocesan World Day of the Sick Mass, with Archbishop Hebda as celebrant. The sick, healthcare professionals, chaplains and caregivers are welcome. Watch online.

The World Day of the Sick was instituted on May 13, 1992 by Pope John Paul II and is celebrated February 11, also the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. This year is the 26th WDS!

We will especially pray for all those affected and healthcare workers during this pandemic. For questions please email or see

This is sponsored by Curatio, Order of Malta and the Archdiocese.

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LifeNight Wrap-up! 2/10/2021

February 2021
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!
Greetings all! 

Last night we had to say goodbye to a beloved freind - Red Slime Ball. RIP. 

Other than that it was a wonderful night of laughing, prayer, and games! 

Just a reminder that there is NO Lifenight next week! It is Ash Wednesday. 

Wednesday, February 17
6:15 AM
9:00 AM (available only through livestream)
11:00 AM
5:30 PM
7:00 PM

Livestream: 9:00 AM
Visit our
Mass live page to learn more about our streamed Masses.

Ash + Dash

Wednesday, February 17
12:30 - 2:00 PM

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:
  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

Our video from last night! 
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LifeNight - Lent and Mardi Gras Party!

We are going to be IN-PERSON on Wednesday at 7:30PM! Our LifeNight is all about Lent and Mardi Gras - Below is the Schedule

7:30PM - we are meeting in the Frassati Room
7:35PM - Opening Prayer and explanation of Lent with Father Mike
7:45PM - Think about what we are doing for Lent this year in Small Groups
8:00PM - GAMES! Head to Cassidy - we will play "Protect the President" and "Noodle Jousting" and Musical Chairs
8:40PM - Head to the Church where Kory will lead us in Praise and Worship
9PM - Head home :)

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:

  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

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LifeNight Wrap-up! - One Moment

February 2021
View this email in your browser
Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!
Thank you everyone who was able to make it last night! We were able to pack a TON of Blessings Bags and start a bunch for others to finish! 

Don't forget! Next week is our Mardi Gras Party - we are going to have Pizza, Games, and Prayer! See you in-person at 7:30PM in the Dining Room! 

The goal of last night was to educate us all on the issues of poverty and homelessness within our communities, while broadening our perspective on the dignity and place of the poor.
  • It may only take a moment for someone to fall into the cycle of poverty, but it also only takes us a moment, a shared moment, to remind them of their dignity.
  • An “I-it” relationship is what we create when we are in transactions with people whom we treat like objects. I-you relationships are characterized by human connection; treating people as people.
  • Jesus prefers the poor because He is modeling how much we should rely on Him. By encountering the poor, we all have a unique opportunity to also encounter our own poverty and need for a Savior.
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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LifeNight Online - One Moment

The goal of One Moment is to educate teens on the issues of poverty and homelessness within their communities, while broadening their perspective on the dignity and place of the poor.

LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.

At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives. Check out our calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year! 

Can’t make our LifeNights on Wednesday night? Don’t worry! We have another option!

On our Wednesday night LifeNights we will record our teaching and prayer of the night. Then on the following Thursday evening we will watch the video together over zoom, and have our SG online! Make sure you register here, because each week I’ll send out the ZOOM code to registered families.

Our Online LifeNights has resources, activities, and links to help our youth take that next step in faith right now, at home, or on the go!

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LifeNight - One Moment

The goal of One Moment is to educate teens on the issues of poverty and homelessness within their communities, while broadening their perspective on the dignity and place of the poor.

LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! Each LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.

At LifeNights you will be able to talk about a variety of issues and experiences with friends and young adult leaders so that together you can grow in faith and discover how a relationship with God will help you have the best life possible! This is an incredible time to connect with friends and God in the midst of our busy lives. Check out our calendar for the 2019/2020 School Year! 

Can’t make our LifeNights on Wednesday night? Don’t worry! We have another option!

On our Wednesday night LifeNights we will record our teaching and prayer of the night. Then on the following Thursday evening we will watch the video together over zoom, and have our SG online! Make sure you register here, because each week I’ll send out the ZOOM code to registered families.

Our Online LifeNights has resources, activities, and links to help our youth take that next step in faith right now, at home, or on the go!

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