Service Opportunity!
Many of our neighbors are experiencing food insecurity (hunger) as a result of the pandemic and civil unrest that has plagued the Twin Cities in recent months. To help keep them from going hungry, Our Lady of Grace has begun asking for sandwiches. Please bring individually wrapped simple sandwiches to the OLG kitchen by 10:30 on any Tuesday or Thursday. The sandwiches can be meat and cheese, meat, or peanut butter and jelly. If you don’t want to make sandwiches, but still want to help, you can bottled water to the kitchen by 10:30 on any Tuesday or Thursday. Thank you for participating in this important ministry of feeding your neighbors!
We need YOU for our Highschool Core Team!
Greetings all!
This is Veronica Whelan, I am the High School Youth Minister here at OLG. It’s that time of year that we are looking for people who are looking to make a difference, and we would love for you to join us. We need you to help us to make a difference in our community, in high schoolers lives, and their families.
We aren’t looking for volunteers. We are looking for people who want to help us make Jesus Christ known and loved.
Our youth would love for you to share your gifts with this ministry the next year or several years. One of this biggest things that I can ask of you is to pray about this invitation.
On September 2nd from 6:30 - 8PM you are invited to spend an evening discerning with us where God might be calling you! This is an informational meeting and dinner will also be served. This upcoming year we have both in person and online ministry opportunities that we will be going over as well.
If you would like more information or to RSVP for our Informational night just fill out the form below.
Adult Core Team with the Our Lady of Grace Adult Core Team is a community of adults who commit each year to serve as youth ministry leaders here at OLG.
Together they:
Serve in OLG small group ministry (either monthly or weekly)
Assist in the planning and leading of high school and middle school retreats
Discern and Implement the vision for youth ministry at OLG
Call and Invite young people to the love of Christ with the Catholic Church
Welcome, mentor, and inspire the teens of this community
Grow in knowledge and love of the Catholic Church
Adult Core Team Requirements:
Have a deep love for Jesus Christ and His Church
Be 21 years of age
Have a current background check on file
Attend and be up to date on their Virtus training
Sign the volunteer code of conduct
Baccalaureate Mass
Please join us for a Baccalaureate Mass celebrating our graduating Seniors! All area high school graduates and their families are welcome on Wednesday, August 12th at the 5:30PM Mass.
This will be a Catholic mass but anyone from any faith background in area schools is welcome to participate. After Mass there will be a small reception with a special gift for seniors and door prizes of dorm room must have!
This will be a memorable evening for all and send our youth off to their next adventure covered in the prayers of our parish family.
SPO invite
Attention incoming college students!
Meet new friends before you even arrive on campus
As you prepare to move on to your next phase of life, don’t leave your faith behind. Your college campus experience may look a bit different this fall. SPO would like to help you prepare for your first year by offering a networking opportunity with other Catholic students on your campus. By filling out this form we'll be able to place you into a group of other young men or women who also are looking for college to be everything it’s meant to be. If you are someone who doesn't want to put life on pause this summer but make the most of preparing for the fall semester, then we'd love to have you. Small groups are forming now! Complete the online form to be connected with other faith-filled young adults or email info@spo.org. For more information on SPO, visit spo.org.
Weekly LifeNight!
Since we can’t meet each Wednesday for LifeNights… join us on Zoom!
Contact Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org
for the Zoom Code.
Last Wednesday we had our first Online LifeNight and it was amazing!
“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.
Weekly LifeNight!
Since we can’t meet each Wednesday for LifeNights… join us on Zoom!
Contact Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org
for the Zoom Code.
Last Wednesday we had our first Online LifeNight and it was amazing!
“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.
Laudato Si’ Week: May 16-24
Laudato si’, the Pope’s encyclical letter on care for our common home will soon be marking its 5th anniversary of publication. This is the perfect time to coordinate a small group or individual study of that letter and learn how we can all become better stewards of all of God’s creation.
“Minnesota, Our Common Home” is a easy to understand resource from the Minnesota Catholic Conference, which translates the teachings of Laudato si’, into a local context. It proposes that our identity in Christ is one that is woven into a fabric of relationships—with God, with our bodies, with our families, with our communities, and, indeed, all of creation. Fostering right relationships is the essence of what our popes call “integral ecology,” and the document invites all people of good will to consider how these principles apply in their daily lives as sons and daughters of God.
“Minnesota, Our Common Home” is a great educational resource that can be studied from the comfort of your own home. It can be used individually, by families, or even by teachers who are looking for content to provide to their students who are learning at a distance.
View online, download, or order copies by visiting: MNCatholic.org/OurCommonHome.