Breakfast Club

Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins after Mass. 

There will be a sign just outside the Adoration Chapel where we will gather to meet after the 9AM Mass. 

Mission Home on June 13th


We started off Mission Home 2018 this last Wednesday and it was awesome! We started our morning in at the 9AM Mass then we got down to business cleaning out the Faith Formation Storage room. Once a year that place needs a good cleaning out before VBS and Mission Home youth were the ones for the job, They did great!

After a lunch we got to cleaning the main worship space at Our Lady of Grace. It was hard work, but worth it!

We ended out day talking about the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching. 

You can still register for Mission Home HERE

Breakfast Club

Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins after Mass. 

There will be a sign just outside the Adoration Chapel where we will gather to meet after the 9AM Mass.