Greetings all!
This Wednesday we have a LifeNight from 7:30- 8:30.
Open Youth Room is from 7:00- 7:30PM.
God bless and see you all there!
Veronica Whelan
Mini Mission: Cradle of Hope Gala
Cradle of Hope is having their Gala on April 7th, and we need your help!
We are specifically looking for tech savvy 17-18 year old students (junior and seniors) who can assist in check in, check out roles as well as helping out with recording numbers during our bidding process. Also, if there are any younger students (freshman/sophomore) who would like to help be spotters (meaning they raise their hand when someone in their section raises their bid number) that would also be wonderful!
SOOOOOO we need approximately 8 (juniors/seniors) tech savvy volunteers. They would need to arrive at the venue at 3pm on Saturday, April 7th to have adequate amount of time to become familiar with the system. We also need 6 spotters (any high school age) arrive 4pm on Saturday, April 7th so I can give them a rundown of their sections and duties before guests start to arrive a little after 5.
If you are able to give of your time and talents to this worthy cause please contact Bridget at
What is Cradle of Hope?
Cradle of Hope encourages life by providing financial aid to women and babies in crisis, especially those women who might not choose life because of financial pressures.
For a pregnant woman and her baby, obtaining the necessary financial and material assistance can relieve an abundance of stress during this already difficult time where she is contemplating her future and the life of her unborn child. Therefore, Cradle of Hope provides the necessary assistance to promote a healthy pregnancy, birth, and a future filled with hope.