Greetings in the Lord! We are so excited to be back and to have you all to serve together the kids We are sure the Lord will bless our programs and there will be much fruit. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR "YES". We wouldn't be able to do this without you.
We need to prepare ourselves for this year so we are having two main sessions before our two kick-off retreats.
Wednesday, September 5th (5:30pm in the Dining Room at OLG)
Annie Grandell will be giving a talk on how to lead a small group of youth. After the talk each group of catechists will meet with the staff-member in charge of their Faith Formation Program in order to go through the specifics of their own Program or level (elementary, middle school, school confirmation and high school youth ministry).
AND Saturday, September 15th. We will begin with Mass at OLG 8:30am- then head to the PES Sisters convent at 8650 Russell Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55431.
It will a very special time for preparing us spiritually for this year of ministry and go deeper in our mission as leaders! Thank you for your time, generosity and love to the Lord.
God bless!
Veronica Whelan