February Events and Information

February 2018
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Our Lady of Grace invites YOU to be a part of Youth Ministry!
Here at OLG our Youth Ministry is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.
 Contact us today to see where God is calling you!

On February 2nd  from
7:45- 9PM we need you!

Duties:  Clear tables to the kitchen after attendees go into the sanctuary for the program.  Why: The Celebrate Marriage Event is being held at OLG on Friday, February 2.  Last year several high schoolers volunteered their time to help with clean up after the event. They clear the dishes to the kitchen and someone who is 18 or older will run them through the washer. Please let Veronica know if you are interested in this opportunity! 

Join us Wednesday's for a mixture of faith and fun!
Every LifeNight has a fun game, a testimony or teaching about a different topic of our faith, discussion, and closing prayer.
 There's something for everyone!

ANNND don't forget to see what we do each week on our blog

This Unleashed series we are going to learn what it means to be truly Living the Creed. This is a ten-session study that leads us through the big picture of how the Catholic Faith is integrated into our daily lives.

Living the Creed digs deep into the Sacraments and and the moral life. Contained withing each session are activities to build community, discussion questions to engage our critical thinking, and resolutions that put the Faith into practice. 
Wondering what EFC is like?  
Here is a great blog from Maddie who went last year! 
Activities include 
Nerf Tag, board games, parachutes, movies, Mass, Freeze Tag, Adoration, Karaoke, Scavenger Hunt, AND MUCH MUCH MORE! 

 Peer Ministry is for all Confirmed youth in grades 9–12th who want to grow deeper in faith! 

SO if you are: seeking greater involvement in church, wanting to share your gifts and talents, desire a deeper relationship with God, and are wanting to participate in Christian service, and share your faith story then...............
Peer Ministry is for you! 

Vianney Visit 

Begins with Registration Thursday, February 8, 4 – 6 p.m.
Concludes Saturday, February 10, 11 a.m. 
Saint John Vianney College Seminary, St. Paul
Vianney Visit provides high school sophomores through college age men (ages 16-24) the opportunity to take a closer look and experience college seminary. Attend Mass, prayer, and spiritual conferences with SJV priests and hear testimonies from SJV seminarians. There is no charge for the event. All meals are provided.  

Register online or call 651-962-6825. Please contact Director of Vocations Father David Blume to let him know of your interest in the Vianney Visit. Father Blume can be reached at 651-962-6890 or by emailing stpaulpriest@10000vocations.org

Holy Hours for Vocations 

Tuesday, February 13 from 7 – 8 p.m.
Church of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings

All people of the Archdiocese are invited to participate in the Holy Hours for Vocations, a new program sponsored by the Office of Vocations. This year’s seminarian poster shows the calendar of the Holy Hours for Vocations that will be taking place at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. 

Each month, the Holy Hour for Vocations will take place at a different parish in the Archdiocese. Come spend an hour with Jesus each month to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and diaconate. For more information, please contact the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit 10000vocations.org.

Women’s Discernment Retreat with Bishop Cozzens

Saturday, February 17
8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Maternity of Mary Catholic Church, St. Paul

Join in this retreat to gain a deeper understanding of consecrated life! Bishop Andrew Cozzens will celebrate Mass and speak on consecrated life. The retreat is for single Catholic women, ages 16 to 35. The retreat day will include consecrated women sharing their vocation stories, along with many opportunities for discerning women to chat and ask questions. Discover the steps of discernment, learn more about yourself, and listen to God speak to your heart. Retreat fee is $20. Scholarships are available, if needed. Please see the brochure for details.
Register online by February 9 at 10000vocations.org.

Save the Date: 2018 Archdiocesan Men’s Conference

Saturday, March 10
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saint Thomas Academy, Mendota Heights

Keynote Speaker: Monsignor Thomas Richter
Watch for registration to open in late January. Questions? Contact Enzo Randazzo at randazzov@archspm.org or 651-291-4483.

Totus Tuus – Team Members Needed for Teaching!

Does your parish have college-aged members? Do you personally know college-aged young adults looking for a summer job? Encourage them to apply to be a team member for the Totus Tuus Summer Catechetical Program! We are in need of college age men and women who feel called to share their Catholic faith with the youth from local parishes around the Archdiocese. Positions are a two-month commitment (June 1 – July 28), which includes one week of training and a one week break for the 4th of July. Each team member will receive $2,520 for their work. Find more details at archspm.org/totustuus. To apply, contact: Father David Blume, 651-962-6892, frblume@stthomas.edu or Nancy Schulte Palacheck, 651-291-4489, totustuus@archspm.org.
Do you:
  • Like caring for young children?                           
  • Want exposure to parish families who are looking for baby sitters?
  • Need Service Hours?
Our Lady of Grace’s Sunday Morning Nursery is in need of youth, 7th grade and up, to help take care of young children while their parents go to Mass at 9:30 or 11:30. If you want to help in the nursery, contact Stephanie Lloyd with your name, grade level, parent email address, and the Mass time you can help, to get on the schedule!
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