Kids Grace Link 11-01-20

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Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
— Matthew 5:8 

Read & Reflect

Take a moment to read the Mass readings for this week and reflect on the reading as a family using the questions and printable activity sheets below.

Weekly Reflection Questions - For Families with Kids

  1. In today’s gospel, where was Jesus teaching the disciples? (on the mountain) 

  2. Today’s gospel passage is sometimes referred to as “The Sermon on the Mount.” Do you know the other name for Jesus’ “blessed are...” statements? (The beatitudes) 

  3. How does Jesus say people should feel when they hear this message? (Rejoice and be glad!) 

  4. Where does Jesus say people will receive their great reward? (heaven) 

  5. Which beatitude could have been written about you, and why? 

  6. In honor of All Saints Day, talk about who your favorite saint is and why. 

Bible Bag with Kids

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  4. Choose the “Our Lady of Grace” option and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.