Kids Grace Link 09-06-20

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For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
— Matthew 18:20 

Read & Reflect

Take a moment to read the Mass readings for this week and reflect on the reading as a family using the questions and printable activity sheets below.

Weekly Reflection Questions - For Families with Kids

  1. How does Jesus say one should approach someone who has hurt (sinned against) them? (One on one) 

  2. If the person who has sinned listens to you, what does Jesus say happened? 

  3. Are you sometimes tempted to tell others how someone who hurt you before talking to the person who hurt you? 

  4. Jesus gives us other steps to take when we disagree. Think of a time you have disagreed with someone – share what you did to make peace. 

  5. Where is Jesus when two or more are gathered in His name? 

  6. How do we practice reconciliation and forgiveness in our home? 

Bible Bag with Kids

Resource Links for Catholic Parents

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Please contact Stephanie Lloyd at with any questions

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  1. Visit the FORMED website and click Sign Up

  2. Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”

  3. Search “Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Edina”

  4. Choose the option with the address reading 5071 Eden Ave, Edina MN and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.