Kids Grace Link 06-28-20

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Jesus said to his Apostles: ‘Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.’
— Matthew 10:40 

Read & Reflect

Take a moment to read the Mass readings for this week and reflect on the reading as a family using the questions and printable activity sheets below.

Weekly Reflection Questions - For Families with Kids

  1. Jesus was telling his apostles to be welcoming. How do you show welcome to others: visitors to your home, new students at school, new players on your team, etc.? 

  2. How does our parish show welcome to others? 

  3. Does it seem silly to talk about giving a cup of cold water? Explain that during Jesus’ time, there was no ice, so the only way to get cold water was to make a special trip to the well; this was considered a very generous act of welcome.  

  4. What is something you give generously, without wondering when you’ll get paid back? 

  5. How is our family like Jesus for others?  

Weekly Formed Resource for Kids

Lukas Storyteller: St. Luke

In this inspiring episode, Lukas helps his friends discover the meaning of their names as they learn about their patron saints, while Lukas recalls his own encounter with Jesus and how it changed his life forever. 

Please see below for instructions to create a FORMED account.

Bible Bag with Kids

Resource Links for Catholic Parents

Contact Us

Please contact Stephanie Lloyd at with any questions

Create a FORMED Account

  1. Visit the FORMED website and click Sign Up

  2. Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”

  3. Search “Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Edina”

  4. Choose the option with the address reading 5071 Eden Ave, Edina MN and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.