Kids Grace Link 01-10-21

01-10-21_Kids Grace Link_Baptism of the Lord-01.png
You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.
— Mark 1:11 

Read & Reflect

Take a moment to read the Mass readings for this week and reflect on the reading as a family using the questions and printable activity sheets below.

Weekly Reflection Questions - For Families with Kids

  1. What is the name of the feast we celebrate today? (The Baptism of the Lord) 

  2. Who said, “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” (John the Baptist) 

  3. Where did John the Baptist baptize Jesus? (In the Jordan River) 

  4. Fill in the blank: When Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the Spirit descending upon him like a _______________. (Dove) 

  5. What did the voice from the heavens say? (“You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.”) 

  6. How do you show others you are a beloved child of God?  

Bible Bag for Kids


Brother Francis: Born into the Kingdom: The Miracle of Baptism

In this happy presentation, Brother Francis invites us to share in the realities of the Sacrament of Baptism and the union it provides us with God's big family! Filled with instruction and inspiration, "Born into the Kingdom" is a great reminder of God's wonderful grace!

Resource Links for Catholic Parents

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  4. Choose the “Our Lady of Grace” option and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.