Construction Update | June 2021


Construction on the new building is well underway! In addition to the landscape changes we’ve all noticed, there has been a lot happening in precast production behind the scenes. As fences, building materials, and machines temporarily limit some of our usual parking and spaces, we ask for your continued patience and caution so we can have a safe and successful construction season!

Construction Underway | April 2021


This week, we officially began construction on campus! This is a big moment for our community as we look forward to the next 75 years of making Jesus Christ known and loved here at OLG. You will notice new fencing in place on the lawn, and beginning May 17, across one driveway and in part of the parking lot, which will effect parking and traffic flow on site. Please visit the parish website at for a diagram and further instructions on navigating these adjustments. We ask for your patience, cooperation, and prayers for a safe and smooth construction season, especially as we wrap up the school year.

More information on our AOM campaign, including a video of the groundbreaking ceremony can be found at to keep informed and obtain Please contact Jon Cassady, Director of Advancement, at, or 952-999-9054 if you have any questions.

Advancing Our Mission Groundbreaking Celebration

Groundbreaking Graphic-01.png

Friday, April 9, 2:00 PM
Saturday, April 10 - Sunday, April 11, At All Masses
As we commence major construction on our campus updates, we are celebrating with an official groundbreaking ceremony on Friday. If you wish to attend, this will take place on the front lawn. Come a few minutes early and bring a lawn chair! We ask that proper distancing be observed for the duration of this event. This part of the celebration will take place rain or shine, but don’t worry if you aren’t there on Friday, because we will also celebrate together as a parish community at all of the Masses over the weekend.

Groundbreaking Livestream

AOM Construction Phases

Architectural Drawings

Looking Forward


We are looking forward to the upcoming groundbreaking this spring for phase two of major AOM construction. This phase of construction includes the new Preschool space, the Parish Activity Center (which includes the gym), and the Link Building. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of all those who have contributed to this campaign, making these projects possible!

For questions about the capital enhancements,major construction or updates on the AOM campaign, please visit the Advancing Our Mission webpage at

Capital Enhancements Update January 2021


You may have noticed large cranes on site recently. We have been making great progress on the installation of a new HVAC system (scheduled to be completed mid- to late-February), as well as on the pumphouse irrigation relocation, which is also currently in process. We have now successfully completed the electrical rewiring/relocation project. All of these efforts are setting us up to be ready for groundbreaking in the spring, and they will help us hit the ground running with major construction. Thank you to all those whose generosity has made this possible!

Visit for questions about the capital enhancements or updates on the Advancing Our Mission campaign.

Capital Enhancements Update October


Capital Enhancements Update
With the new priest residence complete, the primary focus in this stage of our Advancing Our Mission campaign is on the ongoing capital enhancement projects. A big piece of this is the new HVAC system that is being installed in the church. HVAC stands for “heating, ventilation, and air conditioning,” which helps not only regulate the temperature in the building, but also serves to properly ventilate the air in our spaces. This $500,000+ project is a huge accomplishment as winter quickly sets in. Thank you to all those who have helped make this happen!

For questions about the capital enhancements or updates on the AOM campaign, please visit the Advancing Our Mission webpage at


Our Priests are Moved In!


The long-awaited move has finally happened! Last weekend, Father Kevin and Father Nathan officially moved into their new home. What a gift to them and to our whole OLG community as we get to celebrate this milestone in our AOM efforts. A big thank you goes out to the OLG Men’s Club and all those who came out to help with the move! We couldn’t have done it without your help. Please continue to pray for our priests as they get settled in to their new space.

Please contact Jon Cassady at or in the Parish Office (x9054) with any questions regarding the Advancing Our Mission campaign.

New Priest Residence Virtual Tour


We held our new priest residence Open House for the parish on Sunday, October 18, and over 200 people came throughout the day. Thanks for all of you who attended and helped make this a success!

At the request of many parishioners, and in order to provide an opportunity for those unable to attend the Open House, we produced a virtual video tour linked below.

If you have any questions, please contact Jon Cassady, Director of Advancement, at or 952-999-9054.