Priest Residence Open House


Sunday, October 18, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
We are excited for the long anticipated completion of our Priest Residence, the first project to reachcompletion in our AOM Campaign. You are invited to come and see the new house, joining us in celebrating this big moment for our church and school community! You will have an opportunity to write a submission for the Time Capsule project and see firsthand the beautiful chapel that will house it. Social distancing protocols will be observed as guests tour the space. We hope tosee you there! Please contact Jon Cassady at or in the Parish Office (x9054) with any questions.

AOM Prayer and Gratitude Box


As construction of our priest residence progresses steadily and we anticipate welcoming our priests back on campus, we have an opportunity to reflect on how blessed we are by their constant service and prayers for OLG. As a way of celebrating God’s work and bringing our needs before Him, we will place a Prayer and Gratitude Box in the priest residence chapel. You are invited to participate!

You can find notecards at the Advancing Our Mission table in the Commons or at the Parish Office. We encourage you to share a story or testimony of your time here, a note of gratitude for a blessing, a prayer for the parish, personal intentions, or anything else you are inspired to write!

Please contact Jon Cassady at or at the Parish Office (x9054) with any questions on the Advancing Our Mission campaign or the time capsule project.

Priest Residence Construction Update July 2020 - Part 2

Our new Priest Residence construction is coming along well. There have been many updates to the interior (as shown above) and exterior. Interior updates include: fireplace completed, painting, hardwood floors installed. Exterior updates include: roofing completed as well as concrete laid for the driveway and front entry steps. It's exciting to see such progress as things are on schedule for completion in August - September. We look forward to welcoming Father Kevin and Father Nathan back on campus.

Announcement of an Open House will be shared when available. Please continue to keep our Advancing Our Mission campaign in your prayers. Please contact Jon Cassady at or in the Parish Office (x9054) if you have any questions.

Priest Residence Construction Update July 2020 - Part 1

Our new Priest Residence construction is coming along well. There have been many updates to the interior and exterior. Interior updates include: painting completed; installation of lighting fixtures; and some appliances installed. Exterior updates include: roofing completed; as well as concrete laid for the driveway and front entry steps.

It's exciting to see such progress as things are on schedule for completion in August. We look forward to welcoming Father Kevin and Father Nathan back on campus. Announcement of an Open House will be shared when available. Please continue to keep our Advancing Our Mission effort in your prayers. Please contact Jon Cassady at or in the Parish Office (x9054) if you have any questions.

Priest Residence Construction Update June 2020

Completion of our Priest Residence in scheduled for August when we are planning to host an Open House and Blessing Mass. Father Kevin and Father Nathan will be moving into their new home in September which will provide for a fraternal living environment, supporting our priests' along with with other Archdiocesan or visiting priests in their ability to live in community .