Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church

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Men's Mini Retreat

The OLG Men’s Club is hosting its annual Spirituality Mini Retreat for Men on Saturday, January 22 from 8:30-Noon (no admission charge).  This year’s speaker will be Fr. Nathan Hastings, who will be speaking on “Following the Defenseless Christ.”

8:30 – Mass
9:00 – Breakfast (donuts, coffee, juice)
9:15-12:00 – Mini Retreat (Cassidy Hall)
12:00 – Lunch (pizza & pop)

Fr. Nathan will address the questions:  How are we as men called to model our lives after Jesus who was "like a lamb led to slaughter, he submitted and did not open his mouth (Isa 53:7)."? How are we as Christians called to be vulnerable with God and with our brothers?

Reserve your spot by signing up at the table in the back of the commons after any Mass during the weekends of Jan 8 and 15, or by emailing Jim Clancy at jclancy@hennepinpartners.com or by calling the OLG parish office at 952-929-3317.