Summer LifeNights

Join OLG High School Youth Ministry for four great nights this summer! Depending on weather we are going to have water balloon wars, nerf gun battles, slip and slide kickball, etc! AND we want you to come!

Anyone in 9th-12th grade is invited!

Summer LifeNight - 7/14/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight- 8/11/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

All LifeNights start in the OLG Dining Room


Basic Schedule for Summer LifeNights



Game time!

Closing praise and worship

Summer LifeNights

Join OLG High School Youth Ministry for four great nights this summer! Depending on weather we are going to have water balloon wars, nerf gun battles, slip and slide kickball, etc! AND we want you to come!

Anyone in 9th-12th grade is invited!

Summer LifeNight - 6/23/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight - 7/14/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight- 8/11/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

All LifeNights start in the OLG Dining Room


Basic Schedule for Summer LifeNights



Game time!

Closing praise and worship

April 2021
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!

Greetings everyone! We have an important update about High School Youth Ministry Program at Our Lady of Grace.

Until June 1st, 2021 all High School Youth Ministry will be canceled until further notice. If you have any questions please contact Sean Lavell- Pastoral Associate for Mission and Discipleship 

Below is a message from the Director of HS Ministry - Veronica Whelan. 

Due to several medical appointments over the last few weeks, my primary care team decided it would be best for me to go onto Family Medical leave until at least June 1st.

Since 2017 - I have been receiving treatment for a chronic medical condition called Fibromyalgia, which my doctors believed I developed after the two major car accidents I was in during the winter of 2015/2016. This diagnosis came in Spring 2017 - afterwards I made a lot of changes in my life to thrive while living with Fibromyalgia. However- through the years, I was never really able to manage my symptoms no matter what I did or didn’t do. 

Long story, made short - in Summer 2020 - my sisters went to their own doctors, because they were experiencing similar symptoms as myself and were expecting to receive a similar diagnosis so they could receive treatment. However they were both diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). It’s a rare condition that runs in families, and after several of my own doctor’s appointments - it’s become more apparent that I have EDS, and possibly not Fibromyalgia. This is both really good and at the same time unfortunate news. Good, because I can begin receiving treatments that will really improve my life, but unfortunate, because this means that I have been treated incorrectly for the last 4 years. In light of this, my Doctors want me to take some serious time off to heal, start a whole new wellness plan, and go to a lot of doctor’s appointments.

During this time, it means I won’t be doing youth and young professional ministry at Our Lady of Grace. I am not taking time off from the Our Lady of Grace community though, you are all in my thoughts and prayers! 

God’s blessings and peace! 


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We need YOU for the Mass Choir!

The 5PM Sunday Mass Choir is looking for enthusiastic singers!

We are an open group of people who enjoy lifting our voices to enhance and guide the worship experience. With many schools having had to cancel performing, choirs, etc, concerts- this is a good way to share your gifts! Even if you can only come and join us once or twice a month we are always open to having new singers in the choir. Practice is at 3:30PM in the church on Sunday evenings, and you are always welcome to come and join us!

If you have more questions please contact Korissa Olsen (who leads the 5PM Mass) at 612-387-1163 OR

Five reasons why you should join a choir today

Are you a shower crooner with a secret desire to sing in public?

Maybe there’s a community choir in your area and you’re toying with the idea of joining?

Or perhaps you’d love to sing but were always told you don’t have a voice?

Here we offer five good reasons why taking the plunge and joining a choir might be the best thing you ever did.

Benefits of joining a choir

  1. Musicality

    Its official, singing in a choir improves the way you hear music, it draws out your innate musical ability and intensifies your appreciation of harmony. There is a natural learning curve that occurs quite organically as a consequence of singing regularly in a group that strengthens your ear. Where choral singing is concerned, the whole really is the sum of its parts, and choir members soon become aware of how harmonies combine and complement each other.

    The Choir Player app is a tremendously effective way to consolidate choir rehearsals and deepen a singer’s understanding of harmonies. It allows choir members to practise the harmonies of set songs at home by listening to all four choir parts and the backing track, either separately, together, or in any combination.

  2. Mental Health

    Professor Grenville Hancox, Director of the Sidney de Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health in Kent, has done extensive research on the benefits of choral singing on psychological well-being .He is so passionate about the enormous emotional benefits of choral singing ,he has been trying to persuade the medical profession to prescribe singing instead of Prozac:

    “If we could engage more and more people in singing, I’m sure we would have a healthier nation.”

    Studies have shown that the mental health benefits of choral singing include enhanced brain function, strengthened feelings of togetherness, and the release of endorphins and oxytocin resulting in reduced stress and depression.

  3. Confidence

    It’s surprising how many people are told at school they can’t sing, a myth that can discourage potential singers for decades. Most people don’t imagine they will ever perform in front of an audience, and to experience this for the first time as part of a choir can be life changing.The truth is that, unless there is hearing loss, anyone can learn to sing. Singing in a community choir gives you permission to make noise as part of group, and choir leaders report witnessing new members’ confidence grow rapidly.

    If you are feeling nervous then the Choir Player app can help you improve your confidence. With all the lyrics and backing arrangements supplied you can sing in the comfort of your living room and learn your parts without fear.

  4. Belonging

    The modern world is one where people are increasingly isolated. Social media networks offers a semblance of community but the lack of contact with people in real time and space can intensify feelings of alienation. Singing has been central to religion and ritual as a way of connecting communities since ancient times. Being part of a group working towards a shared endeavour, can fulfil this human need for belonging and union.

    Recent research reveals that group singing helps forge social bonds, and it does so particularly quickly, acting as a powerful icebreaker. People feel valued and inevitably make friends with individuals from a diversity of backgrounds, so horizons are broadened and social cohesion is improved.

  5. Aerobic and toning

    A proper singing session is a wonderful workout for the lungs. The actions of warming up, breathing deeply and opening the diaphragm all oxygenate the blood, creating more white blood cells, which strengthens the whole body.The breathing rate slows and deepens, releasing endorphins and increasing a profound sense of well-being.  All this lung action reduces the chance of illness and is excellent for people who suffer asthma, and emphysema.

    Singing also improves your posture and tones your stomach muscles – a strong core supports the spine so your body will be less prone to injury as you age.

So, what are you waiting for?

The above is from

Year of Saint Joseph - Consecration info!

Looking for all daily videos? Click the playlist menu in the upper right-hand corner of the video above.

Watch in Spanish: Consagración a San José

The lay faithful are invited to prepare themselves for consecration to Saint Joseph on the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, Saturday, May 1. The 33-day preparation period begins Tuesday, March 30.

  • Purchase the book by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of our Spiritual Father.

    • Purchase at a local Catholic bookstore, such as Leaflet Missal, St. Patrick’s Guild, St. George Books & Gifts, Divine Inspirations Books & Gifts, and Holy Cross Books & Gifts.

    • Order online.

  • Purchase an audio version of the consecration at

  • Learn more about Consecration to Saint Joseph.

  • Looking for other times to begin the consecration process? See this list.

  • Find Spanish language resources.


  • myParish App: Find Litany of Saint Joseph under Prayers icon, and set a reminder to pray it daily!

  • Catholify: Read Consecration to Saint Joseph by Fr. Calloway on the app. (Note: The app will request an optional donation.)

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity - Discernment of Spirits Retreat

Catholic Single Women 20-35 - Make This Your Discerning Year! Online and In person Discernment Events. Designed for You. To see more about the sisters go here…

Discernment of Spirits - ZOOM RETREAT

Learn St. Ignatius’ 22 Rules for Discerning How God Speaks To You No cost, but registration is required. For more information, visit: Led by Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Jacqueline Spaniola, OSF Understand God’s will for your life and how to make wise and holy decisions Time for reflection, prayer and questions and answers

Begins Friday, April 9, 8 p.m. EST Concludes Saturday, April 10, 8 p.m. EST


INVITE US to meet you where you are…

Sister Julie Ann Sheahan, OSF

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity

2409 South Alverno Road

Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220


Cell: 920-323-9632

Facebook/Google+/Linkedin: Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity

Twitter: calledtobefscc

Instagram: franciscansisters

The world needs you. God calls you. We invite you.

OLG AV Production Ministry

OLG AV Production Ministry
Do you have experience with audio / visual production? Or you are willing to learn? Our Lady of Grace is seeking to grow our audio visual volunteer production team. Learn from industry experts while helping to bring live and online events to life. Ages 13+. A great ministry for families to serve together in. Contact David Kolar at

Volunteer Opportunity.jpg

OLG High School Youth Ministry: MORE March 2021 Events And Information

February 2021
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!
LifeNight on 3/3/2021 from 7:30-9PM
LifeNight on 3/10/2021 from 7:30-9PM
Peer Ministry Meeting on 3/14/2020 from 6-7:30PM

Week of Mercy (Confessions)

Tuesday, March 23, 1:00 - 8:00 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 1:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday, March 25, 1:00 - 8:00 PM
Saturday, March 27, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:

  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

Lenten LifeNight Series - Into the Deep

This series on Lent will help us all understand the history, beauty, and opportunity of this season. Each session looks at a different aspect of how we are called to prepare for Easter: fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. See more here...

The LAST Session for this Series is on Wednesday - Join us anyway! 

This final session will explore the third pillar of Lent: prayer (specifically contemplation). This will help us understand the importance of silence and meditation when seeking to deepen our relationship with God.

Check out our upcoming LifeNight Series!
God chooses to reveal Himself to His people, and His revelation is recorded in Sacred Scripture so that all can come to know Him. Ultimately, God reveals Himself in His Son, Jesus Christ. God, who dwells in unapproachable light, shatters our darkness and brings us into His light. This series unpacks the inspiration and development of Sacred Scripture and how God continues to make Himself known to us today. It equips and empowers teens to encounter Jesus and live in the light through the Word of God. 
Join OLG High School Youth Ministry for four great nights this summer! Depending on weather we are going to have water balloon wars, nerf gun battles, slip and slide kickball, etc!

AND we want you to come!
Anyone in 9th-12th grade is invited!

Summer Starts - LifeNight on 6/6/2021 after the 5PM Mass

Summer LifeNight - 6/23/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight - 7/14/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight- 8/11/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

All LifeNights start in the OLG Dining Room

The 5PM Sunday Mass Choir is looking for singers!
We are an open group of people who enjoy lifting our voices to enhance and guide the worship experience. With many schools having had to cancel performing, choirs, etc, concerts- this is a good way to share your gifts! Even if you can only come and join us once or twice a month we are always open to having new singers in the choir. Practice is at 3:30PM in the church on Sunday evenings, and you are always welcome to come and join us!
If you have more questions please contact Korissa Olsen (who leads the 5PM Mass Choir) at 612-387-1163 OR
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Our mailing address is:

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