
Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins or Jerry’s after Mass.  There will be a sign just outside the Adoration Chapel where we will gather to meet after the 9AM Mass. 


Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins or Jerry’s after Mass.  There will be a sign just outside the Adoration Chapel where we will gather to meet after the 9AM Mass. 


Monday, July 22 - Friday, July 26
Every day at Roar Totally Catholic VBS, kids will learn simple Bible points and be immersed in new adventures as they travel through fun and faith filled rotations. Together we will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers us all through this “wild” life. Just as our church and school buildings will be transformed into an African savanna full of vibrant colors and untamed grasslands, so too will the lives of all who join us be transformed as we learn to follow Jesus more closely!

Teen Volunteers

High school youth entering grade 9 or above in Fall 2018) are invited to be Shipwrecked Crew Leaders for kids between Kindergarden - 6th grade! If you are in High School and are interested, please fill out the 2019 High School Volunteer Form and turn it into the Parish Office.

Unleashed Summer 2019.jpg

Views about the Church can be as varied as its members or critics. What exactly is the Church? How can it be a trustworthy representation of Christ while filled with flawed human beings? How is it both ancient and timeless, seemingly outdated yet more necessary and relevant than ever? Why should the voice of the Church be heard above all the other voices claiming to speak the truth? This YDisciple course explores the truths and myths about the Church, including where it came from, why it still exists, and what role young disciples are supposed to play in it. 

OLG High School Youth Ministry: July 2019 Events And Information

July 2019
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you! 
Click HERE to download the PDF! 
Join us at Unleashed on Wednesday nights at 7:30PM!
Views about the Church can be as varied as its members or critics. What exactly is the Church? How can it be a trustworthy representation of Christ while filled with flawed human beings? How is it both ancient and timeless, seemingly outdated yet more necessary and relevant than ever? Why should the voice of the Church be heard above all the other voices claiming to speak the truth?  See more here
Breakfast Club 
Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins or Jerry’s after Mass. See more...
Celebrating 70 Years of Grace! 
Saturday, September 21

Events and highlights will include: morning 5K event and OLG School Marathon Celebration activities; carnival and midway activities; 5:00 PM Mass; group gatherings by decades; school tours; outdoor Rock The Fields evening event; indoor wine and appetizers evening event. Visit www.olgschool.net/alumni for more information, to update your contact information and join our OLG Alumni facebook event. 
Donations for Honduras
We are very excited that a group of parishioners led by Fr. Kevin will head to Honduras to visit our sister parish, San Maximiliano Kolbe, in less than a month! We hope that you join in the excitement by donating a ball pump, soccer balls, volleyballs, frisbees, rosaries (for adults and children) or craft supplies that we can bring with us. See more...
Join us for our annual summer social event! All men of the parish community are invited. We will set up a tent on the Athletic Fields and, for the first time in our history, put on a pig roast. To that we'll add coleslaw, potato salad, corn, greens and a plethora of beverages. We will use this event to celebrate our extremely successful past year and welcome new parish members to the Men's Club. See more...

Inspirational Resources for Faith Formation in May

Discover all the best Catholic content in one place. Entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring. See more....

Our Lady of Grace Vacation Bible School
Monday, July 22 - Friday, July 26

Every day at Roar Totally Catholic VBS, kids will learn simple Bible points and be immersed in new adventures! Together we will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers us all through this “wild” life. ANNNND each year we need Highschoolers to help pass on their faith during VBS! To register to be a Crew Leader and for more information go here!

Archdiocesan Synod: New Web Page, Prayer and Listening Events

At Pentecost, the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis began a Synod process. Learn more about the Synod and see a listing of Prayer and Listening events scheduled for fall 2019 – winter 2020 at archspm.org/synod.

St. John Paul II Champions for Life Awards – Nominations Now Open

Do you know of someone who devotes his or her time helping the poor, elderly, disabled, pregnant, or is committed to praying for Respect Life issues? He or she may be our next Champion for Life! The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is looking to honor those who respect life at our annual St. John Paul II Champions for Life Awards.
Find more information online, including online and print nomination forms, as well as a flyer. Nomination deadline is August 1, 2019. The awards luncheon will be Thursday, October 31 at St. Peter, Mendota. Questions? Please contact Nancy Schulte Palacheck at 651-291-4489 or schulten@archspm.org.

Grandparents Apostolate Celebrates the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne 

Friday, July 26
8:45 a.m.
 (Optional: Mass at 8:15 a.m.)
Nativity of Our Lord, St. Paul
All grandparents are invited to an event of celebration with prayer, enrichment, encouragement and fellowship highlighted by a presentation by Father Nick Hagen, who will present on “Listening to the Holy Spirit with Saints Joachim and Anne.” Steiner Hall is wheel chair accessible and refreshments will be served. No registration is required. For more information contact Lilee at lilee_perera@hotmail.com or 651-414-9367.

Ad Limina Pilgrimage to Rome – Young Adults Invited to Apply 

Application deadline is August 15. Pilgrimage dates: January 9-18, 2020

Young adults ages 21-35 are invited to apply to join Archbishop Hebda, Bishop Cozzens and world renowned art historian Elizabeth Lev on a pilgrimage to Rome to deliver the report on the state of the Archdiocese to the Holy Father. For application instructions, costs, flyer, and details visit archspm.org/ad-limina. Questions and applications should be directed to Enzo Randazzo, randazzov@archspm.org, or 651-291-4483.

Completamente Comprometidos (Fully Engaged)

20 de julio de 2019
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Centro Católico Arquidiocesano, 777 Forest Street, St. Paul

Formación gratuita en español para parejas asesoras que prepararan a las parejas en su camino al matrimonio.

Contacto: Verónica Arias, Tel: 651-251-7773

Application Deadline Extended to July 31

This fall, the Archbishop Flynn Catechetical Institute will offer the two-year foundational course “Pillars: A Journey through the Catechism” at Mary, Mother of the Church in Burnsville. 

Applications are now being accepted through July 31, 2019, for the class beginning in September. For more information and an application to become part of the Class of St. Catherine of Siena call 651-962-5072 or visit semssp.org/ci.

Twin Cities Survivors Peace Circle

The Twin Cities Survivors Peace Circle is open to all who have experienced the trauma of clergy sexual abuse. The purpose of this group is to gather victims/survivors/thrivers in a safe, supportive environment to share their experiences, listen to others, and explore healing. All are welcome and privacy is respected. Contact Jim with questions, concerns or comments: 773-412-0909.

Saturday, May 11 (NOTE! Previously scheduled for May 18), 12-1:45 p.m. Theme: “Tending Gardens: Looking around and ahead”

Hennepin County Library: Webber Park Branch (Webber Room), 4440 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis


Quo Vadis Youth Vocation Camp

July 21 – 24, 2019
Dunrovin Retreat Center, Marine on St. Croix
“Quo Vadis” is a camp experience for youth ages 14-17 to learn that nothing is more important than discovering God’s will for your life – and living it! Quo Vadis begins on Sunday, July 21 with 4 p.m. registration, followed by 5 p.m. Sunday Mass and concludes on Wednesday at 1 p.m. The camp includes Mass, prayer, campfires, talks, field trips to visit religious communities, confession, rosary along with lots of outdoor camp fun and recreation! Space is limited. For more information and to register, visit 10000vocations.org. Please share the flyer.

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Join OLG Youth Ministry as we gather together a few times during the year to start our day out right! We all go to the 9AM Mass at Our Lady of Grace and then we gather together for fun and friends over some good breakfast at Perkins or Jerry’s after Mass.  There will be a sign just outside the Adoration Chapel where we will gather to meet after the 9AM Mass. 

St. Paul Street Basic Evangelization Training 

Saturday, July 13
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Archdiocesan Catholic Center (Saint Joseph Hall), Saint Paul 
Join the staff of St. Paul Street Evangelization to learn how to evangelize in your everyday life in easy and fun ways. Cost is $25 per person and includes the full-day workshop, all materials and a light lunch. Find details and register via the event page. You can also contact info@stpaulse.com or call 657-777-2963 with questions.