Weekly LifeNight!

Since we can’t meet each Wednesday for LifeNights… join us on Zoom!

Contact Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org
for the Zoom Code.

Last Wednesday we had our first Online LifeNight and it was amazing!

“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.

Earth Day Program: April 22, 2020

Check out this great opportunity from the Archdiocese!

With all of us responding to COVID-19, Earth Day is coming at such a wonderful time. The Archdiocesan Care for Creation Team is planning its first event on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22nd. Spend the day in nature: take a walk, bicycle, jog and enjoy the marvelous gift of nature. Of course, remember to observe social distancing as recommended by the CDC. Then at the end of the day, join fellow Catholics for a prayer vigil at 5:30 PM via Zoom. The link to join the vigil is https://zoom.us/j/258812734. If you need to dial-in by phone, please contact Adam Fitzpatrick (fitzpatricka@archspm.org) for instructions. For additional details, go to https://centerformission.org/whats-new/.  We look forward to seeing everyone and take the opportunity to enjoy Earth Day!

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Weekly LifeNight!

Since we can’t meet each Wednesday for LifeNights… join us on Zoom!

Contact Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org
for the Zoom Code.

Last Wednesday we had our first Online LifeNight and it was amazing!

“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.

Weekly LifeNight!

YOU are invited to a special ONLINE Praise and Worship event! 

Join us on ZOOM at 7:oo PM on 4/15/2020! 

Father Kevin is going to take the lead for the night! Starting with a talk on The Road to Emmaus and then some virtual Praise and Worship - led by our talented Kory LaCroix.  You won't want to miss this! 

Connect with OLG High School Youth Ministry, for the ZOOM code

Join us each Wednesday for our Online LifeNights! a

“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.

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In light of all the changes going on we are going to do something a LITTLE different for Unleashed! For the next FOUR Mondays YOU are gonna log into FORMED and create an account from there YOU will watch a video on your own AND then at 2:30PM we will meet up on ZOOM to discuss it! This is new so get ready to be part of the change!

How to create a FORMED Account

  1. Visit the FORMED website and click Sign Up

  2. Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”

  3. Search “Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Edina”

  4. Choose the option with the address reading 5071 Eden Ave, Edina MN and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.

The series we are doing is : Who is God?

The mere mention of the word “Father” can stir a wide range of emotions: from security and joy to pain and resentment. Many teens today have fathers who are absent—either physically or emotionally. Some have never even met their biological fathers, and others may wish they hadn’t— because of the physical or emotional pain inflicted on them. How can these we trust or believe in a Heavenly Father when maybe our experience of our earthly fathers has been so negative? In this study we’ll begin to unwrap the mystery surrounding God the Father by taking a look at our deeply imbedded image of what a “good” father is—and then we’ll learn how deeply God longs for us and waits for us to surrender our hearts to Him.

On 3/23/2020 watch our first video HERE and make sure to email ME, so I can send you our Zoom code for our meetings at 2:30PM.

Weekly LifeNight!

Since we can’t meet each Wednesday for LifeNights… join us on Zoom!

Contact Veronica Whelan at veronicawhelan@olgparish.org
for the Zoom Code.

Last Wednesday we had our first Online LifeNight and it was amazing!

“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.


In light of all the changes going on we are going to do something a LITTLE different for Unleashed! For the next FOUR Mondays YOU are gonna log into FORMED and create an account from there YOU will watch a video on your own AND then at 2:30PM we will meet up on ZOOM to discuss it! This is new so get ready to be part of the change!

How to create a FORMED Account

  1. Visit the FORMED website and click Sign Up

  2. Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”

  3. Search “Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Edina”

  4. Choose the option with the address reading 5071 Eden Ave, Edina MN and click “Next”

  5. Fill in your Name and Email Address in the appropriate fields and choose “Sign Up” to complete the signup process.

The series we are doing is : Who is God?

The mere mention of the word “Father” can stir a wide range of emotions: from security and joy to pain and resentment. Many teens today have fathers who are absent—either physically or emotionally. Some have never even met their biological fathers, and others may wish they hadn’t— because of the physical or emotional pain inflicted on them. How can these we trust or believe in a Heavenly Father when maybe our experience of our earthly fathers has been so negative? In this study we’ll begin to unwrap the mystery surrounding God the Father by taking a look at our deeply imbedded image of what a “good” father is—and then we’ll learn how deeply God longs for us and waits for us to surrender our hearts to Him.

On 3/23/2020 watch our first video HERE and make sure to email ME, so I can send you our Zoom code for our meetings at 3:30PM.

Virtual Holy Week Retreat

This week-long virtual retreat begins Palm Sunday (April 5) with Mass from the Saint Paul Seminary and culminates with the Easter Vigil Mass from the Cathedral of Saint Paul April 11. Each day has two parts:

  1. Mass or prayer at 9 a.m. followed by directed Lectio Divina.

  2. Evening session at 7 p.m, consisting of conferences from Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Father Charles Lachowitzer and Father John Ubel.

Videos will be live streamed on Facebook and posted at archspm.org/holyweek for all who would like to participate. Please share the video invite from Bishop Cozzens.

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