Youth Blog: Mission Home

"What is Mission Home? I've found that over the years whenever I am asked to describe it, it isn't easy. Once a week a group of us, meet up at OLG and then head out into the community to do various kinds of service, but there is more to it than that."

"Yes, we do the "normal" stuff of packaging food, cleaning and organizing various places, and helping watch children .... but we also go to the Cathedral of Saint Paul to learn about our faith. We spend a day learning what it means to be homeless. We spend an afternoon just sitting and talking with the Minneapolis community. We learn about what it means to be an immigrant in this country and more."

"Like any mission trip you walk away with a deeper understanding of the community, and for that community to be your HOME is huge. Even better we also build a community at Mission Home. We spend hours with people who like you are focused on making the world a better place, and you become a different kind of friend. Mission Home is a something you can come to and always feel welcome because we are all there for the same reason the same goal." - Hailey

For the past few summers OLG Youth have traveled around the Twin Cities serving those in need in our community. We could be found doing anything from gardening all the way to helping to organize donations down at the HCMC food shelf. Our motto was that "You don't need to travel thousands of miles to be the hands and feet of Jesus"

This year we want to do something a little different- we want YOU to plan Mission Home with us! This is a great opportunity to not just come and serve, BUT to help us discern where and who we are going to serve! 

Please join us for some Mission Home planning meetings in the Youth Room.
March 6th from 6-7PM
March 13th from 6-7PM
March 20th  from 6-7PM

Everyone is welcome to these meetings! Even if you just have questions or want to learn more about Mission Home this is for you! 

High School LOCK- IN

Copy of OLG HighSchool Lock-in.jpg


What: An overnight lock-in
Where: Our Lady of Grace
Cost: $20
When: February 3rd starting at 10PM and ending on February 4th at 7AM

Join the OLG HS Youth Group for an evening of Fun and Fellowship with a High school Lock-in! 

Activities include
Nerf Tag, board games, parachutes, movies, Mass, Freeze Tag, Adoration, Karaoke, Scavenger Hunt, AND MUCH MUCH MORE! 

You MUST turn in a Registration form and fee with High School Youth Ministry by 1/26/2017
Forms can be found online or outside the Youth Room and can be submitted through email, or the Parish Office. Registration Form is HERE

Mini-Mission Opportunity!

Date: Friday, February 2

Time:  7:45 p.m. - about 9:00 p.m.

Duties:  Clear tables to the kitchen after attendees go into the sanctuary for the program.  

Why: The Celebrate Marriage Event is being held at OLG on Friday, February 2.  Last year several high schoolers volunteered their time to help with clean up after the event. They clear the dishes to the kitchen and someone who is 18 or older will run them through the washer.

Please let Veronica know if you are interested in this opportunity! 

Lock-in Planning Meeting

For the first time EVER OLG Highschool Youth Ministry is doing a LOCK-IN on February 3rd starting at 10PM and going to February 4th at 7AM. WE REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED YOU FOR THIS ONE. If there is one thing that you can do coming up- THIS WOULD BE IT. PLEASE. The youth have been BEGGING for one. If you have ever done a lock-in before it can be a TON of fun- tiring- BUT REALLY FUN. We are going to be having planning meetings for this starting next week. Even if you are not sure if you can come- PLEASE come and help us plan!

Here is the Sign-up Genius for the month!