
What does it mean that as disciples of Christ, everything we own is merely being held in trust from God? Everything is a gift from Him, and recognizing the call to be a good steward of these gifts is all part of our spiritual growth and transformation.

Being A Joyful Giver

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus speaks often about money, possessions, and how we relate to material possessions. If we pause to think about what He is saying, it should provoke us to sincerely consider in our hearts, “Do I measure my life by my trust in the Lord’s generosity or by the goods that I acquire? Do I give joyfully from my first-fruits or from ‘the leftovers?’”

When we plan and prioritize our lives as stewards, focusing our generosity first on the needs of others, we imitate God’s abundance and strengthen His body, the Church, here at OLG. By doing this for one another, we reinforce a trusting faith in God’s providence and love, bringing us all deeper into the Father’s heart.

In giving joyfully of our first-fruits, we not only help make possible the work of God that is happening all around us, but give powerful expression to the place of God in our lives. We live knowing that our heart lies where our treasure is (cf. Mt 6:21).

Please prayerfully consider how your gift can help in making Jesus Christ known and loved through the ministry of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church.

Your Gift Bears Great Fruit

Faithful stewardship changes our hearts and our relationships. Beyond that, however, it also provides in a very practical way for the extraordinary work in our community and beyond, fulfilling the mission of making Jesus Christ known and loved.

Your generosity provides programming for faith formation, sacramental preparation, liturgies, and all daily operational costs of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church and School, including grounds, staff, facilities upkeep, maintenance, and utilities.

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