These talks are for current Our Lady of Grace OCIA participants only.
Please do not share any of these talks without permission from Sean Lavell.

1) Welcome to OCIA!

2) What is the Meaning of Life?

ChristLife Talks

3) Why Does Jesus Matter?

ChristLife Talks

4) What Does Jesus Want Us to Know?

ChristLife Talks

5) Why Do We Need a Savior?

ChristLife Talks

6) Why is the Resurrection Important?

ChristLife Talks

7) Introduction to the Church

8) What is Prayer?

9) The Mary Minute

10) Who is the Holy Spirit?

ChristLife Talks

11) The Holy Spirit and You

ChristLife Talks

12) New Life in the Spirit

ChristLife Talks

13) Our Need for the Church

ChristLife Talks

14) 1st OCIA Rites Introduction

15) Church Tour

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16) Divine Revelation - Tradition and Scripture

Early Church Timeline and Constantinople Creed
Canon of Scripture Timeline

17) Magisterium and Infallibility

Handout - The 255 Infallibly Declared Dogmas of the Catholic Faith

18) Universal Call to Holiness, Choosing a Saint Name

19) The Liturgical Year

20) Commandment Preview

21) Dignity and Vocation of the Human Person

22) Theology of the Body

Handout - Original and Fallen Man

23) Grace & the Sacraments

24) Baptism

25) Confirmation

26) Matrimony

27) Eucharist: Foundation

Handout - The Sacraments

28) Reconciliation: Foundation

29) Holy Orders

30) Anointing of the Sick

31) Ask a Priest

32) Encountering God in Prayer

33) Delving Deeper into Prayer

34) Prayer Workshop 1
35) Prayer Workshop 2
36) Prayer Workshop 3

Handout Packet for the Prayer Retreat - Retreat Notes, Prayers, and Meditations

37) Introduction to the Commandments

38) The First Commandment

39) The Second Commandment

40) The Third Commandment

41) The Fourth Commandment

42) The Fifth Commandment

43) The Sixth Commandment

44) The Seventh Commandment

45) The Eighth Commandment

46) The Ninth Commandment

47) The Tenth Commandment

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48) 2nd OCIA Rites Introduction

49) Mary as the Model of Christian Disciples

50) History of the Church

51) The Four Last things, Purgatory

52) The Second Coming of Jesus

53) Mercy and Preparing for Confession

54) How to Celebrate Confession: Practicals

55) Triduum & Preparing for the Easter Vigil

56) What I Wish I Knew About the Mass

57) The Eucharist: Practicals

58) Freedom in Christ

59) The Two Greatest Commandments

60) Delving Deeper into Eucharist and Confession

61) Sharing the Good News

62) Resources to Keep Growing

63) What’s Next?