Updated as of: October 2, 10:00 AM

The Safety and well-being of all will be our top priority as we open our liturgies so that people my be fed the Bread of Life. From all of us, this will require patience, generosity, self-sacrifice and above all Charity. This also requires self-responsibility from each of us. Do I have a cough? Stay home. Do I have a slight fever? Stay home. Have underlying health or age concerns? Stay home. The protocols listed below have been formulated by the staff at Our Lady of Grace and guided by the Archdiocese, the Governor’s office, the CDC and the MDH. It is up to us as a community to work together so that liturgies may not only begin, but continue in the safest manner possible! We appreciate your willingness to abide by the following guidelines and we look forward to worshiping together again!

General Principles

From the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis

A. Our first consideration must continue to be for the spiritual and physical health of our parishioners and those whom they encounter, especially the most vulnerable: the elderly and those with chronic illnesses. We continue to rely on medical professionals and governmental standards to inform these directives.

B. The obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation continues to be suspended as long as the pandemic continues.

C. All COVID-19 positive persons, those who are symptomatic, and those living with them, must stay home and quarantine for an additional 14 days after the last symptom.

D. Persons over age 65 and those with preexisting health conditions should continue to stay home during the pandemic and avoid public gatherings, including church.

E. All the faithful should continue to follow hygienic practices at home: wash hands often, avoid touching the face, cover coughs and sneezes, etc.

F. We will provide hand sanitizer at all entrances and instructive signs such as how to stop the spread of germs and protect oneself from sickness.

G.  There is to be no communion given on the tongue. Those unable to receive Communion in the hand may discuss the matter with the pastor to seek an alternative.

H.  Parishioners should be encouraged to use the restroom at home before coming to church.

I.  Parishioners are strongly encouraged to wear masks: a mask will be required to receive Holy Communion.

J. In order to attend a Mass you must signup through EventBrite for each Mass, a total of 190-people per Mass will be our current limit. We ask that you sign up for no more than one Mass per week.

K. The Our Lady of Grace Plan Administrator is Shelly Aebi.

Returning to Mass

Returning to Mass

“And they recounted to them how he was made known to them in the Breaking of the Bread.” (Luke 24: 35) The Eucharist, the Gift of God, is our nourishment, sustenance, salvation – for in receiving the Eucharist we receive the sacramental presence of Jesus, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. And our participation in the Eucharistic Liturgy is a participation in the life of the Body of Christ, which we are.  So, during these weeks when at best we have been able to “remotely” celebrate Mass, even if we come to church to adore the Blessed Sacrament – we experience ourselves hungering for more.

Gratefully we can celebrate the Mass together again!


According to current guidelines we can have no more than 50% of our capacity attend a liturgy.  We plan to start slowly; see how we react and make changes as needed as we move through the summer.

As of Tuesday, September 8, we have increased our attendance capacity for Mass to 190 people, once we reach or capacity we will usher attendees to an overflow area.


  • Mondays-Thursdays, *6:15 AM, 5:30 PM

  • Fridays, 9:00 AM

  • Saturdays, 8:30 AM, 5:00 PM

  • Sundays: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM

NOTE: Outdoor Mass has now officially closed for the season

* denotes a change in time from previous schedules

As our Sunday 9:30 mass will continue to be live streamed with delay broadcast on Fox9+, we will limit the number of people attending that celebration.


Registration is no longer required for any Masses. Once we reach capacity in the Church, we will close the Church doors and usher our “overflow” to an auxiliary space.

Mass Attendance Guidelines

Face Masks

OLG will be following all ordinances pertaining to Face Covering Requirements and Recommendations as outlined in Governor Walz’s Executive Order on Saturday, July 25. If you desire to receive Communion, you must wear a mask.


Please park in the Main Parking Lot and use the north Entrance. There someone will welcome you. As you approach, please remember to keep six (6) feet between you and the next person. We ask that you arrive about 20 minutes before Mass. We will not be letting folks in after Mass has started – so if you are not there 5 minutes before hand, you will not be able to attend that Mass.

If you desire to receive Communion, you must wear a mask as you approach the communion station.

Crying Rooms

For health and safety reasons, the crying rooms are not to be used by families attending Mass, please use the dining room.  At the 9:30 AM Mass a smartboard in the dining room will be showing the live stream Mass.

Finding a Place to Sit

Ushers are being trained to help facilitate bringing people to their pew so as to remain socially distant.  Ushers will take people to their seats, beginning at the front and moving toward the back. Some rows will have seating at the ends of the pews, some rows in the middle, all to accommodate social distancing. There will be no “favors” for seating or changes made. People will have to sit where they are asked to sit. No exceptions. Of course, families will sit together; others will be seated with social distance between them.

Doors will be closed 5 minutes before mass begins. No late-comers will be admitted.

Bathrooms available but we encourage you “to go” before coming to church. This applies to both kids and adults. Maximum of 1 person in the bathrooms at one time. Thanks.


To help lessen the spread of germs, you will notice less singing during this time and the choir/piano area has been adjusted.

Liturgical Ministers

During this pandemic we must continually seek to mitigate against the spread of the Coronavirus. So too, OLG is striving to do the best we can from the communications we receive from the Church, and state and local leaders. At this point Father Kevin Finnegan is calling forth our young adults (18-35) to come forward and serve in our various liturgical ministries of Sacristans, ushers/greeters and Eucharistic Ministers where proximity or contact is more likely. They will receive special training and instruction and will serve on a two-week rotation. Your magnanimity is appreciated. We will need about 5 people per Mass to serve in these ministries.
All those trained as cantors, musicians, lectors extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may serve as they feel comfortable. During this time, we will not be having Altar Servers.

If you wish to volunteer for this ministry please click the button below to learn more and to register.

Anointing of the Sick

We have been working with local hospitals and care facilities to make sure all involved are kept safe. To receive this Sacrament or Last Rites please call Beryl Schewe at 612-578-4971 or email her at berylschewe@olgparish.org. After hours call our emergency number at 952-929-0048.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

During these days, many have taken time to reflect on their response to the grace of God, their love of neighbor and have been led to partake in this beautiful sacrament of Healing.

Times for this sacrament during the summer are:

  • Mondays-Thursdays, *4:30 - 5:20 PM

  • Saturdays, 9:00 - 10:00 AM

* denotes a change in time from previous schedules

The two crying rooms continue to house space for this sacrament. A lit candle outside that room indicates that a priest is available for the sacrament. The arrangement of kneeler and pew behind the screen allow for safe social distancing. At this point we are not offering face to face confessions. If you wish the priest to know who you are, simply tell him. When you leave, please leave the door open for the next person.

Line up for participating in the sacrament along windows (chairs, socially distance are there.)

Note: the end of the time for confessions means the priest will be leaving at that time, so showing up a couple minutes before the end might mean you will not be able to celebrate the sacrament at that time. Thanks.


Monday - Friday, 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
The parish community will continue to have the opportunity to pray in before the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. Please click here to see the Adoration Guidelines and to access the Sign Up during this time.

Additional Precautionary Measures

For the health and safety of our parish community we have taken the following precautionary measures against COVID-19 (Coronavirus):

  • Holy water fonts have been emptied. Holy water will remain in the baptismal font, which is refreshed regularly, and fresh, clean water will be blessed for baptisms.

  • Church areas will be daily/routinely sprayed and wiped down with CDC approved cleaning products

How can you help?

The best way to keep Coronavirus out of our parish and community is to practice good hygiene:

  • Wash your hands regularly, especially after using the restroom and before preparing or consuming food. Wash for 20 seconds, using soap and hot water. Be sure to also wash your fingertips.

  • Cover a cough. Avoid coughing or sneezing into your hands or in the air. Always try to cough or sneeze into a tissue, and then throw the tissue away. If you don't have a tissue, cough/sneeze into your arm.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

  • If children are feeling sick, please keep them home from activities. Allow them some time to feel better so they do not risk infecting others. Adults also should stay home if they feel unwell.

Protecting our Seniors

Many senior living facilities have temporarily asked for no visitors in an effort to keep their residents healthy. Check with senior living facilities before planning a visit. Please remember all our seniors in your prayers as we weather this pandemic.

Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Cancellation Protocols

Our Faith Formation and Youth Ministry policy for inclement weather also applies to the Coronavirus situation. Faith Formation and Youth Ministry follow Edina School District schools, and more specifically OLG School, with regard to cancellations. 

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church COVID-19 Health Disclaimer

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists anywhere people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and people with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to COVID-19. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church has undertaken precautionary cleaning, disinfecting, and implemented social distancing guidelines to help reduce the risk of exposure. However, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church cannot guarantee that visitors are 100% safe from exposure to COVID-19. Therefore, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church recommends that people over 65 or with underlying health conditions not attend mass at this time and continue to worship online. Attendance at liturgies is at your own risk.