Remain in Me

Enter more deeply into the Mystery of the Mass and Jesus in the Eucharist.

We cannot love what we do not know. Our aim this year is to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the Mass and provide opportunities to encounter Jesus present to us in the Eucharist.

Teaching Mass

A Walk Through the Mass with Fr. Kevin and Fr. Nick, is an hour long video that goes through the entire Mass. Giving explanations of each step and helpful hints for you to get more out of Mass every time you come. Click here for the Worship Aid to the Teaching Mass.


Mass Minute: Unpacking the Mass One Minute at a Time

This simple series of minute-long insights into the Mass, by our parish priests, helps us learn and/or remind us of all aspects of Mass. This series is a branch of the Synod Implementation Plan for year 2 at OLG, where we dive into aspects of the Mass from all angles so that we, as the body of Christ, can encounter Jesus in the Eucharist in a new way. Find the full Mass Minute series here. 

Homily Series: The Bread of Life Discourse

The summer of 2024, Fr. Kevin and Fr. Nick preached a five-part Sunday homily series called “Bread of Life,” as they reflected on the profound Eucharistic teachings of Jesus in John 6. Each part drew further into the mystery of the Eucharist in the life of the Church and the disciple, especially the fact that every part of our lives are meant to be found in the Bread of Life. Watch each homily on YouTube at the links below:

Into the Depths Speaker Series

Taking the Teaching Mass into the Depths are one events where you can bring the Mass to our everyday. Watch our most recent event with Dr. William Stevenson event. See upcoming events below.