We all have the need to get away. Why? It’s written on our hearts. Even Jesus took time away to pray, reflect, and reconnect with God the Father (Mark 1:35). Perhaps some time away may be the way back to a life centered on Christ and directed towards Love.

There is a refreshment, a peace, a recentering on Jesus that oftentimes is experienced by those on a retreat. If you have never been on a retreat, have not been on a retreat for some time (over a year), or even if you were on our most recent retreat, we would love for you to join us.

Fall Retreat - October 25-27, 2024

We will be heading about an hour away to the beautiful Dunrovin Retreat Center, located north of Stillwater. 50 acres of the natural outdoors—a gorgeous woods for walking and simply being out in nature with the St. Croix River right there to remind us of the beauty of God’s creation.

The retreat will be from Friday, October 25 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, October 27, 12:00 PM. The cost is $200/person.


Past Retreats

The Grace Retreat - Fall 2021 and 2022

The pace of life can be relentless. Go. Go. Go. Deadlines. Events. New Projects. Social Life. Failure. Work. Trials. Celebrations. The Future. Knowing this, Jesus invites us to retreat, to come away to a quiet place and once again abide in His Grace, the gift that God continually offers us. The Grace Retreat is an opportunity to take a break, relax, think, talk, and pray about who we are, why we are here, and what our faith has to do with it all.

For the Kingdom - Spring 2022

For the Kingdom was a retreat inspired by both The Way of Trust and Love, a retreat written by Father Jacques Phillippe based on the writings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, as well as Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). We took time for silence on Saturday to allow space for the Lord to speak into our hearts and lives. This retreat was for young professionals.

A retreatant wrote that their greatest grace from the retreat was “Feeling the love of community and finding trust in the process of striving for the kingdom.”

The Way of Freedom - Spring 2023

Jesus says, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32). This retreat was inspired by Interior Freedom, a book written by Father Jacques Phillippe. We entered into this freedom that Christ desires for all of us through powerful talks, silence, small group conversation, and communion with others. As Saint John Paul II said, freedom is not the ability to do what we want, but rather the ability to do what we ought. This retreat was for all adults.

One retreatant wrote: “There was an invitation to embrace reality and to truly recognize that God delights in us. It's something that can be applied outside of the retreat atmosphere. Not coming down from a ‘retreat high,’ but instead, having tools to live as a follower of Jesus in our daily lives was the best fruit.”

God Alone - Fall 2023

Life can be crazy, busy, mundane, exciting. Regardless of what life is feeling like right now, an annual retreat is a must for every Catholic. We step away from the pace of life to breathe. We take time to be intentional with the Lord and to hear His still, small voice in the silence. We have the opportunity to commit or recommit to living an intentional and abundant life in Christ. As Saint Paul writes, “And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 4:19). God is the answer to our desires. May we open up our hearts to the full and lasting satisfaction that can come from God alone.