Praying to God: Having Coffee with a Friend

Prayer CD Covers.jpg


  1. Introduction - Sally Lareau

  2. Encountering - Father Kevin Finnegan

  3. Listening to God - Patrick Hagenbucher

  4. Come Holy Spirit - Elizabeth Gorman

  5. Now That We've Met - Father Kevin Finnegan

  6. Moments of Quiet - Hannah Rangel

  7. Way to School - Camden Seymour

  8. A Friendship Grows - Father Kevin Finnegan

  9. The Rosary - Dan Moran

  10. Peace and Joy - Lola Karls

  11. Conclusion - Sally Lareau


Fr. Kevin Finnegan
Mahoney Media Group
Music by Lynn Peterson
Donald Heller - Illustrator
Bill Staebell*
Linda Donrbach*
*Members OLG Evangelization Council
**OLG Schola Cantorum

**Draw Us In the Spirit's Tether
Copyright 1957 (Renewed) THE H.W. GRAY COMPANY
All Rights Controlled and Administered by ALFRED MUSIC
All Rights Reserved Used By Permission of ALFRED MUSIC