““You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works!””
Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawls are knitted by parishioners for those who need to be wrapped in the love and prayer of our community . As they knit, they pray for God’s love and healing for the person who would receive it.
If you know of someone who is ill or in need of healing in mind, body, or spirit, please take them a prayer shawl. Let them know that they are held in prayer by the community of Our Lady of Grace. Prayer Shawls are available in the parish office.
Like to Knit? Consider knitting prayer shawl. We prefer acrylics and easily washable yarn. Instructions are here—but feel free to be creative and design your own shawl. Completed shawls can be dropped off in the Parish Office to be blessed before they are delivered to our sick and homebound.