At Our Lady of Grace, we take seriously the Gospel call to build the Kingdom of God. We do this through our outreach efforts, both locally and globally as part of the universal Church. Important as our charitable outreach is, Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that we must work to change the systems that work to perpetuate poverty and oppression and so we participate in programs that encourage education, strengthen families and honor the value of each human life as having been made in the image and likeness of God. While there are many outreach activities from which to choose, if the activity you feel drawn to isn’t something Our Lady of Grace currently participates in, let us know and we’ll see how we can work with you to bring the Kingdom of God closer.
Local Outreach
St. John Paul II Catholic School, MN
Locally, we feed the hungry through the food we contribute, we clothe the naked through our donations and coat drives, we care for the sick by bringing them the Eucharist and praying for them at Mass, and we make our schools more hospitable through our fall school supplies drive. In addition to our ongoing efforts, we have a Thanksgiving food drive that both provides Thanksgiving dinners and helps to restock the food shelves after the holiday, as well as a boot and coat drive in cooperation with our Men’s Club Christmas Tree Lot.
We also proudly partner with St. John Paul II Catholic School (JPII) in Minneapolis, which is dedicated to helping students of all backgrounds succeed. OLG contributes funding to the school to help JPII accomplish its goal of not turning away any student due to financial circumstances.
Global Outreach
Globally, we have long-standing sister parish relationships with St. Joseph in Mamponteng, Ghana, West Africa and San Maximiliano Kolbe in Comayaguela, Honduras. Our Lady of Grace parishioners have participated in mission trips to both parishes and, in turn, we have been enriched by visits from them.