The Confirmation Formation Process
“Go and make disciples of all nations.”
Our Lady of Grace is really excited to share our Confirmation Program with you. The preparation consists of two years starting in 7th Grade. Our Candidates will receive the Sacrament during 8th Grade. We are looking forward to walking with your youth in their journey to Jesus. The goal of our program is to bring youth closer to Jesus through a personal encounter with Him. Our sessions include small group time, large group events, and family and sponsor events. We want to prepare youth for the challenges they will face during their journey towards Jesus. We live in a demanding and difficult world, so please help us with your prayers to keep fostering more disciples of Jesus.
"The confirmation program was not only a great way to learn about God and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but it was also fun for me to meet a bunch of new people to share the faith with along the way!" - Gabrielle O., Confirmation Class of 2022-23
8th Grade Year - Confirmation Year 2
As the 8th graders prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, they will have the opportunity to go deeper into the more personal aspects of the faith with the Theology of the Body program. Click here for the 8th Grade Parent Guide.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Our Lady of Grace welcomes youth to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8th Grade. In keeping with the Archdiocesan norms, Our Lady of Grace holds the following traditions regarding preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Candidates preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation must:
be baptized Catholic;
be a member of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church;
have participated in faith formation either through attendance at a Catholic School, or a parish faith formation program for three consecutive years;
participate in the parish preparation process for Confirmation.
If your child is not baptized Catholic, or you need more information about preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, please email Caitlin Giles.
Why is it Important to Prepare to Receive a Sacrament?
At Our Lady of Grace, there is a strong tradition of sacramental preparation; in fact many families have had multiple generations formed in the faith and prepared for receipt of the sacraments here. While we believe strongly in our traditions, it is important to note that Our Lady of Grace follows the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis norms with regard to all persons preparing to celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation.