Kids GraceLink October 16, 2022 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year C

“…pray always without becoming weary.”

Luke 18:1

Read & Reflect

View the Mass readings, then use the weekly reflection questions and links to enhance your family’s experience of the liturgy.

Reflection Questions

  1. What do we celebrate at Mass today? (The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

  2. From which gospel do we hear today? (Luke)

  3. Who are the two people Jesus uses as examples in today’s gospel ? (the dishonest judge and the persistent widow)

  4. What does Jesus tell the disciples before he tells them the parable? (“… pray always without becoming weary.” Luke 18:1)

  5. Develop a good prayer habit in your children (and yourself) by thinking about ways you can add prayer to your daily routine; e.g. 10 minutes a day, 2x per week, intentional prayer as a family 10+2+family.)         

Bible Bag for Kids

Resource Links for Catholic Parents

Questions or Comments?

We’d love to hear from you! Please contact Stephanie Lloyd at or fill out the form below with any questions or feedback you’d like to share with us.