Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church

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Sposi Novelli- Practical Marriage Tips- Wrap up!

On Friday, March 22, 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Frassati Room
All engaged and newly married couples we invited to join Sposi Novelli for an exciting event featuring Dr. Daniel McClure who spoke on “Healthy Habits to Strengthen Your Marriage”. It was a great night to meet up with old friends, make new ones, and learn some great tips to help strengthen your marriage! Thank you to all who came, AND keep an eye out for more information on our End-of-the-year- BBQ in May!

Dr. McClure graduated from the University of St Thomas and received his M.S. and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Divine Mercy University’s Institute of Psychological Sciences in Arlington, Virginia. Dr. McClure currently is in practice in St Paul. He wants to integrate his Catholic faith with the field of clinical psychology. He and his wife Lucy live in the Twin Cities.