Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church

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Weekly LifeNight!

YOU are invited to a special ONLINE Praise and Worship event! 

Join us on ZOOM at 7:oo PM on 4/15/2020! 

Father Kevin is going to take the lead for the night! Starting with a talk on The Road to Emmaus and then some virtual Praise and Worship - led by our talented Kory LaCroix.  You won't want to miss this! 

Connect with OLG High School Youth Ministry, for the ZOOM code

Join us each Wednesday for our Online LifeNights! a

“I had so much fun; I was so inspired by the Lectio that you lead and I still feel touched today! I had such a great time, and I feel so blessed to be apart of such a holy, awesome, community! Thank you again for a wonderful meeting; all the time and care you put into each meeting means the world to everyone! Thank you again and God Bless!” - Alanna H.